A Spanish Engagement

A Spanish Engagement Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Spanish Engagement Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathryn Ross
her lips in a feather-light caress. There was something so intensely erotic and personal about the move that Carrie felt her skin flush with vivid colour.
    ‘So what do you think?’ Max asked, a small smile curving his lips.
    ‘It’s…it’s very good.’ She couldn’t quite bring herself to meet his eyes. She didn’t know if it was her imagination but there seemed to be an atmosphere between them that felt taut with sensuality.
    Manuel came back to join them. ‘Sorry about that,’ he said politely. ‘There’s a problem with delivery dates, Max. I’m afraid I’m going to have to go up to the office to sort it out.’
    ‘We’re finished here anyway,’ Max said easily.
    ‘When you have time I’d like a word with you later,’ Manuel said. ‘It is urgent, so could we speak after lunch?’
    Max nodded. ‘Come on up to the house when you are ready.’
    With a wave in Carrie’s direction, Manuel strode off back in the direction they had just come from.
    ‘Sorry about that. Things are pretty hectic around here at the moment,’ Max said. ‘Let’s go up to the house.’ He put a hand at her back to steer her in the right direction. The touch against her body was light yet Carrie imagined she could feel it burning through the delicate material of her dress.
    There was a part of her that wanted to move closer towards him…and another part that wanted to run away from the dangerous undercurrents rushing between them. He was probably married with children, she reminded herself again sharply.
    That stunt he had pulled yesterday proved he liked to play his cards close to his chest. So she needed to tread warily and keep her wits about her.
    Opening the front door, he stood back to allow her to enter the house before him. He had impeccable manners, she noted. It was something she liked in a man. Forcefully she tried to steer her mind away from the things she liked about Max. He was obviously a shrewd businessman and that was all that should concern her.
    Carrie glanced around the entrance hall to the villa. She liked the cool marble floors and the majestic staircase that curved gracefully down with a most magnificent wrought-iron banister. There were a few doors leading off in various directions, but Max led her through the nearest one and into a lounge that was light and airy. It had the same marble floors as the hallway. Large white settees with pale blue striped cushions echoed the blue of a swimming pool that lapped outside on the white terrazzo terrace.
    The interior design of the property was fabulous and everywhere there were vases of fresh flowers. She found herself gearing herself up to meet his wife. He had to bemarried…this place was too perfect and he was too handsome.
    ‘Shall we sit outside on the terrace?’ Max asked as he opened the patio doors and led the way outside to a table and chairs strategically placed to look out over the garden towards the mountains.
    ‘It’s beautiful here.’ Carrie didn’t sit down immediately. She leaned against the balustrade, her eyes following a grassy path that led down towards an orange grove.
    ‘Yes, I like it.’ As Max spoke his eyes didn’t move from her face.
    She was aware of him watching her and it made her acutely self-conscious. Why was he looking at her like that? she wondered.
    ‘Do you live here alone?’ she asked, and hoped the question didn’t sound as if she were too interested.
    ‘Yes, I do.’
    ‘Really?’ She was surprised, and it showed clearly in her eyes now as she looked over at him.
    ‘Yes, really.’ He grinned as if he found her reaction extremely amusing. ‘I had this house built a few years ago. Other members of my family live nearby, and my parents live in the main family house in the other direction, about ten kilometres.’
    ‘This is a big place for one person,’ she said hurriedly, trying to cover her incredulity.
    ‘I suppose it is. But I like my space.’
    ‘Yes, I do too. But I’ve always been happy with my
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