A Mile High

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Book: A Mile High Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bethany-Kris
disappear for a long
while: something to keep in the back of my mind, for late-night sessions under
my own sheets.
    Like strangers on a train, that’s what we were.
    Sal’s hands released my waist as the plane began to
level off slowly. “Okay, you’ve got to get over in that seat of yours, girl.
She’ll be coming down the aisle anytime.”
    Sure enough, the moment I had my skirt fixed and the
belt buckled, the rushed flight attendant from earlier passed by our cubby
without even blinking in our direction. The light above our heads was still lit
up, asking passengers to keep safety seated until otherwise directed, but the
small flat-screen television extended out from above the porthole window had
turned on. A choice in movie selections rolled across the screen as well as
several music stations.
    “No porn,” Sal joked.
    I shot him a look. “Shame.”
    Not five minutes later, the seatbelt sign turned
off, a pilot’s voice echoing through the plane to announce the back bathroom
would be the only one available to use, and refreshments would be served in a
short while. Sal was on his feet before the pilot had finished, clicking open
the overhead compartment and grabbing the bag he’d placed up there earlier.
    Taking a cellphone from the bag, he winked. “You’re
not going to tattle on me now, are you?”
    Giving him a suggestive look, I decided to play
along with his teasing. “I was sure you had other plans.” That stopped him from
turning on the device as he looked back to me over his shoulder. Brown eyes
darkened as they travelled the length of my crossed legs down to the peep-toed
heels I tapped lightly to the floor. “At least…that’s the impression I got.
Didn’t realize you were a whole lot of talk and no real action.”
    Sal turned sharply, a hand grabbing to pull the
curtain closed at the same time. The fabric hung nearly to the floor, with a good
half a foot or more open from the ground up, but unless someone was purposely
on their knees trying to look up under, there was no visibility, really. My
heart thudded a little harder in the confines of my chest, anticipation and
lust raging intensely though my system and rushing blood to my ears.
      “Did you know
the weather advisory forecasted not a bit of turbulence for this flight?” he
asked, picking up the sign he pointed out earlier and hanging it outside the
    I swallowed my desire, legs rubbing together to
create the friction I wanted.   Then, the
click-clack of heels down the aisle had Sal’s upper body disappearing around
the curtain, giving me a fantastic view of his ass in those dark jeans.
    “Yeah, she’s not feeling well. It might be whatever
your friend had. I hope she feels better soon, too. But uh, the lady in here,
she took a relaxer before the flight so she said she might just pass out and
asked me to close the curtain. We’ll be just fine, and I can always come find
you if I need something.” He paused, a foot tapping to the floor and I didn’t
hear the words behind the quiet murmur from the attendant. His polite charm,
and gentlemanly character was easy to trust, I noticed: The likeable guy,
trustworthy and true. I wondered if that was the real him, or just a mask he
had on for this situation. “…Yes, absolutely. Worry about the rest, we’re
perfectly okay in here. I’ll keep an eye on her while she sleeps.”
    Sal turned slowly, ensuring the curtain stayed
closed to block me from view, a scandalous grin forming over his features as
his brow cocked in challenge. “Just fine,” he repeated gruffly, gaze traveling
my naked legs again.
    My skin tingled at the dark lust roaming over his
features, not hidden a single bit behind the blatant stare he regarded me with.
A sudden eagerness to please him like he had me flooded my body. With a hand
held out, I stroked the crotch of his jeans where the clear impression of his
hard erection stood out prominently against the fabric. Long and thick under
the tips of my fingers,
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