A Memory Away
shock and Jonah was up, his hand going for his gun before he realised what was going on. “Hey, Braintrust, you pull that thing on me and I’m kicking your well-used ass all over the precinct and then busting you back down to traffic.” Captain Carol Simons stood with her feet braced wide apart and her hands on her hips. “Why the hell are you two morons still wasting your time and my budget on solving these vandalism cases and not getting on with all the other cases making me clench my awesome buttocks together so hard that they could crack freakin’ walnuts if I needed them too?”
Jonah dropped back into his chair with a scowl as Lopez scrambled back up into hers trying to look her normal cool and badass self. Jonah caught sight of the smudge of jelly on her cheek from where she had smeared her donut on her way to the floor and was still pissed off enough over her cracks about Kyle that he didn’t motion to her to wipe it off. He smirked meanly at her and then raised his eyes to his captain. “Working on it. You need to give us a little more time.” He closed the folder with the information on Kyle and his son in it and shoved it to one side.
“Save it, Goldman,” Simons snapped. “I don’t give a rat’s ass for your opinion on anything, you rancid hound. All I want to hear from you is ‘Case closed, Cap, and there’s no overtime’, we clear?”
Jonah , feeling one of his headaches coming on, gritted his teeth. “Crystal, Cap.”
“Lopez,” Carol, narrowed her steely gaze on Gina. “Lay off the donuts. The homage to J-Lo can only be taken so far and no babies in my damn department are gonna have back, okay? Hit the gym.”  She turned and strode off towards her office, yelling, “Lee, get up, you’re making the place look a mess.” The office door banged shut as Danny picked himself up off the floor where he had been nursing a rather impressive lump on his forehead and the bullpen breathed a collective sigh of relief.
Lopez growled as Jonah tried to hide his sniggers by picking diligently away at his report once more. “My ass is not fat.” She scowled fearsomely when Jonah began to hum innocently under his breath and stood up. “Get your shit together, we’re heading out. I’m hitting the head and then we’re going back and talking to all the business owners who’ve been targeted and find what we’ve missed.” She bared her teeth in a rough approximation of a smile. “I may even play nice and let you leave your sweetie till last so you can try and get a dinner date.”
Jonah , with grim determination, did not deign to reply. However, he did take great satisfaction in humming ‘Baby Got Back’ under his breath at intermittent intervals throughout the rest of the afternoon until Lopez had a nicely developed twitch at the corner of her right eye. That, combined with the smear of jelly still on her face that she had somehow missed on her trip to the bathroom, made the rest of his day one of the more amusing he’d had for a while.
Goldman and Lopez did indeed make Kyle’s boutique their last stop of the day – although not for the reasons Lopez kept leeringly offering as they moved slowly up the street in their car looking for a parking space. They took a moment to stand outside and watch through the newly repaired window as Kyle and Megan moved around inside unaware they were being observed. Jonah frowned as he realised that this was the first time he had seen Kyle relaxed and smiling since he had met him. The two people inside the store were busy stripping clothes from store mannequins and redressing them in fast moves that were obviously well practised. Jonah found his mouth quirking in a smile when Kyle popped a white trilby on his head, struck a pose and gathered Megan into his arms and waltzed her round the shop floor.
Lopez’s expression screwed into one of deep disgust and she muttered, “Jesus, kill me now before the sugar rush does. Could they be any more
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