A Memory Away
dragged over his body that morning and groaned to himself – somehow he didn’t think he was going to get that lucky.

Chapter 4
“There,” said Lopez throwing a thin manila folder down on Jonah’s desk before dropping gratefully down into the chair at her own and reaching for the open box of pastries balanced precariously over the narrow gap between the two. “Mystery solved. He’s a Twofer.”
Jonah looked up from where he was playing hunt and peck with his computer keyboard as he tried to catch up on the reports their captain was insisting he finish before she slung his ass in a cell for the night and scowled. “What?”
Her teeth clamped tight around a jelly donut as she shrugged out of her jacket and hooked it over the back of her chair, Lopez grunted in annoyance and pulled the donut out of her mouth with one hand and swiped the back of the other over her lips before nodding at the file Jonah was just opening. “The mystery’s solved with Little Mary Sunshine. He’s a Two Fer One. Comes ready equipped with all available human accessories.” She tore another bite of her donut away and mumbled around her mouthful, “He had the kid himself. No other father on record. He was probably acting like a complete pussy because he was expecting some attitude and shit if we realised what he was.” She rolled her eyes impatiently. “Like the mayor didn’t make a point of yelling it from the rooftops when we all had to take those sensitivity seminars last year to improve our ‘understanding and awareness’.” She quirked her fingers into air quotes as she uttered the last three words and shook her head in disgust. “Paranoid little freak.” 
Jonah glanced up from the copy of Shea’s birth certificate Lopez had located and fought back a grin. “Yeah, that shit paid off in spades with you alright, Lopez.” He looked back down at the folder and flipped the birth certificate over to see a brief summary of the information they had on Kyle himself in the system. “Huh. Just turned twenty-two.”
Lopez leaned back in her chair and laced her hands behind her neck making her breasts push against the thin cotton of her tank top and Danny Lee nearly walk into the wall across the room when he got distracted by them. “So I figure this definitely makes him pretty much your ideal fuck. Got all the parts you like best and he’s legal.” She waved an expansive hand when Jonah glowered at her and said airily, “Go forth and fuck his little Twofer brains out, partner.”
Darting a wary look around the busy bullpen, Jonah snarled, “Shut up, Lopez, I didn’t say I wanted to fuck him. I just thought there was something weird about the way he was acting over the picture of the kid. Figured it might be something worth pursuing.”
Lopez snorted inelegantly. “Yeah, you figured something was worth pursuing, alright.” She held up her hands when Jonah glared at her again and said, “Hey, I’m not knocking it. You know I got your back whatever.” She gestured at the file again. “He’s clean though. Moved here straight out of high school from some bumfuck town in Wichita with the fag hag in tow. He dropped out of stage school at the beginning of his second year when he got knocked up with the kid and used some money he came into from his dead mom to set up the business and buy a small townhouse a few blocks away. Credit good, building up a reasonable name in off the wall designer circles and no flags raised with social services over care of the kid. Nothing to suggest that his shop being targeted is anything more than another link in the vandalism chain.” She scowled. “Which is pretty fucking irritating because we’ve got fucking nothing to go on.”
“That is not the attitude of a winner, Lopez!” The booming female voice had the entire bullpen jerking to attention and Danny Lee walking into a wall again when his head whipped round in reflex and he couldn’t adjust in time. Lopez yelped and fell off her chair in
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