A Highlander's Obsession (Highlander's Beloved)

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Book: A Highlander's Obsession (Highlander's Beloved) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Vonnie Davis
the stairway and then at him. “There’s no need. You’ll only think I’m a crazy female, just like your brother does. I’m not some fragile woman who imagines she sees things when she’s tired. Or feels things in strange hallways.” Althoughshe tugged the plaid around her in a defensive gesture, there was a flash of fortitude in her eyes that stirred his loins even more. “Do I look fragile to you?”
    “Nay.” Truth was, she looked as if she could be a handful when provoked. What would it be like to tame her when she was mad as hell at the world—or him?
    “I saw something and, yes, perhaps I overreacted, but I saw what I saw and heard what I heard. I’m not crazy.” Her eyes narrowed and her chin jutted in a pugnacious manner.
    God help him, he was charmed by both her strength and vulnerability. What a paradox.
    “Bryce is the crazy one if he didna take yer concerns seriously. Come, we’ll share a drop of brandy. ’Tis a blustery night outside.”
    “Yes, a dreich nicht.”
    At her easy use of the Scottish expression, Creighton’s brows rose as he led her to his office. He opened the carved wooden door and stepped back to allow her to enter his sanctum first. Scents of something sweet wafted as she passed by, a sensual spell spinning over his soul. To ask what the fragrance was would be too forward, but he would’ve liked to order it by the barrelful.
    She sat cross-legged in front of the roaring fire, sifting her fingers through her blonde hair, something he longed to do. It shimmered like gold in the firelight. His body tightened, and he muttered a curse. He’d do well to keep his distance. The wee slip of a thing could never handle the power of the passion that roared through his veins. What was it about her that drew him?
    He strode toward the antique server to pour a small serving of Camus brandy for her and a larger, bracing one for himself.
    For all he knew, this enticing female was part of her eccentric grandmother’s premature arrangements to sell her inheritance to an oil company. Perhaps Paisley had been the one to hatch the plan. Some women could be devious characters.
    His inner bear growled its dissent.
She’s pure of heart
    Creighton wasn’t so sure.
    “Who’s pure of heart?” Her throaty voice floated toward him from the hearth.
    His hand stilled, the crystal decanter halfway to the glasses. Bloody hell! Had she heard his bear’s thoughts? He mentally lowered his telepathic shield into place as a precaution. Surely she couldna. That would make her magical in some way. He kept his back to her as he pouredthe liquor.
    “Ah … I didna make meself clear. I was complementing ye, saying ye seemed pure of heart.” As if he didn’t have enough on his mind worrying over Angus’s will and the possibility of losing part of the sleuth’s habitat. Did he now have to worry about an American being able to hear his bear’s thoughts? What manner of person was she?
    After he handed her a snifter, he settled into his leather armchair and waited for the effects of the tipple to calm them both. “Did ye go to university at Virginia Tech, then?” The firelight showcased her bonnie breasts beneath her Virginia Tech T-shirt, driving him mad. Was there anything about her appearance he didna like?
    “Yes. I studied to become a veterinary assistant.”
    He took another sip of brandy. “Is that what ye do? Take care of sick animals?”
    She nodded before she drank and shuddered afterward. “God, this stuff is awful.” She set the snifter next to her on the hearth. “I’m not much of a drinker.”
    “It’s an acquired taste, to be sure.” He swallowed another mouthful. “Me mum handles the reservations here at the lodge. She says ye and yer grandmother dinna ken how long yer going to stay with us.”
    “No, we don’t. I wasn’t sure how well Gram could handle the trip. She’d tell you she’s as strong as the stink on a pig, but she tires more easily of late. I worry about her.”
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