A Bundle of Joy 2: The Baby Proposal (BWWM Interracial Romance)
More mature, the flavor had only deepened. Now, she tasted like honey. Heavy, sweet, wild. He fed on it. Sucking her tongue into his mouth, he held her captive to his need.
    Moving to line his body up against hers, he edged a knee between their bodies, pressing into the heat between her thighs. Her head fell to the side and she moaned. The tears were gone from her eyes and drying on her cheeks. He heard the crush of plastic, and felt it grazing against his lower chest. When he glanced down, he was mildly surpri sed to see the white roses he’d recently purchased squashed between Selene and him. They were fit to be thrown away, but he couldn’t even muster the energy to care. His focus was on this woman. Selene.
    He kissed along the curve of her jaw and taking her lobe between his teeth, he suckled.
    Another moan.
    “Triston.” God, his name sounded sinful on her lips when she was like this.
    “Selene…” He echoed.
    “I’m pregnant.”
    He bit down, stunned. She yelped and pushed him back off her. “What? Whose?” Mind reeling, Triston’s heart stopped. Literally. Nothing during his years of service had affected him so sharply.
    Selene was pregnant.
    With another man’s baby.

    Chapter Four
    The doorbell rang. When Selene opened the door, Meg was standing there.
    What ’s she doing here?
    “Hi, Meg. Come in.”
    Selene had been scouring the pages of the newspapers to look for a job she could apply for and had already marked two of them, when the doorbell rang. Having come to the realization that there were few opportunities in her field, Selene had changed tactics and begun to look in other directions. She’d marked jobs that had nothing to do with publishing or editing, but if she got them, she’d make do until better came along.
    At least, she was settled in her new apartment now. Jamie’s room was ready whenever she came for a visit. Her sister h ad promised to come someday soon. Selene was looking forward to see her.
    Meg’s somewhat nervous cough nudged Selene back to the present.
    “I realize that I should’ve called you first, made an appointment even, but I was in the neighborhood and just thought I should check if everything is okay.”
    “That’s fine, Meg ,” said Selene. “Now that I’m this far along, the nausea is almost a thing of the past, and I feel as healthy as a horse.”
    “Good. Good.” Meg nodded absen t-mindedly as she sat on the couch. Her gaze took in the sparse furniture that Selene had hauled from her old apartment but her mind seemed to be elsewhere. Selene had hardly interacted with Meg in the past three months. She’d seen her when they’d gone for the first trimester screening. Warren was the one who always dropped in to give her the check, but she’d talked to Meg on the phone at least once every week. She’d never sounded as distracted as she did now.
    And Selene was distracted too, especially since the day Triston had paid her a visit. Try as she might, Selene couldn’t push him to the back of her mind. Ever since he came to see her, she’d been consumed by thoughts of him more than ever before. They’d dated for four years before he left, and some might call it teenage or puppy love, but for Selene it had been the real thing. She’d really loved Triston. They had dreams of being together forever, perhaps marrying and having children of their own. His decision to join the army demolished all hopes of the life she’d imagined with him. Sure, she’d dated other guys since he’d gone, had even tried to convince herself she was in love with one or two of them, but her feelings for them paled in comparison with the way she felt for Triston.
    She’d tried to understand, to accept his decis ion, but the mere thought of him being so far away, of coming back on scheduled leave sporadically, and then going to active duty in a war-torn country broke her courage. She couldn’t bear the thought that something might happen to him. Selene knew
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