A Bundle of Joy 2: The Baby Proposal (BWWM Interracial Romance)
that she wouldn’t be able to handle the agony of always waiting for a letter or a phone call to know that he was all right. Many might wonder how fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives of soldiers endured the fear and turmoil that consumed every thought of their loved one being so far away in a situation that was possibly life-threatening. But she and Jamie knew. They’d lost their brother to the same war that Triston wanted to fight, almost one year to the day the president had declared war on terrorism. Their parents had never been the same after losing their first born. And the thought of losing Triston was too much to bear.
    She was devastated when Triston broke the news to her. And s he’d broken off their engagement. Triston had been adamant about joining the army. She’d been against it. Their differences drove them apart and caused them to break up before he left, but always, Selene had known that had he stayed, they would’ve had a different life together.
    A life that w ouldn’t have been perfect, but good.
    Seeing him the other day had brought back all the memories.
    He’d looked so good . With the same messy dark hair, eyes the color of ripe blackberries that seemed to penetrate deep into her soul, the tall, lean built, he’d been as handsome as she remembered. In fact, the years had honed his looks, making him look manly, dangerous.
    Desire had sho t through her as soon as she saw him. She’d always thought if they’d ever met again, she’d be able to put up a valiant fight, but she was so wrong. She was defeated at the first brush of his fingers against hers, his nearness. And then with that kiss, that head-spinning kiss, she was a goner. If he didn’t know she still harbored feelings for him, her reaction to that kiss would erase any doubt.
    But then she’d told him she was pregnant, and it seemed like he couldn’t leave her apartment fast enough, couldn’t wait to put some physical distance between them.
    Selene sighed. She hadn’t meant to think about the past, but now that she had, the pain came knifing its way back into her heart.
    It was still hard for her to believe that he’d chosen the army over a life with her. She’d done her best to reason with him. She’d told him that the army wasn’t the right choice. His family had a thriving business that he could join. But nothing she’d said had sunk into his thick skull. Finally, enraged, disappointed, she’d taken off the engagement ring he’d given her and flung it on the ground at his feet. When he bent down to retrieve it, she took off running. She hailed a cab at the first corner that she rounded. They hadn’t lain eyes on each other until that day a few weeks ago.
    It was too late for regrets now. He was not a part of her life anymore, and even though he’d come back home on US soil, she couldn’t allow him to have a home in her heart, because things had changed. She hadn’t meant to blurt out the fact that she was pregnant in such a way. But how could she have explained anything? This wasn’t her child. She was only lending her womb to someone so that they could have a baby, but she was getting some benefits out of it, too. She didn’t want him to think she was such a loser that she had to resort to surrogacy to float over the sea of debt which threatened to engulf her.
    She hadn’t wanted him to know about her predicament.
    The look on his face when she blurted out that she was pregnant told her that he wouldn’t be back. Not every man could take on another man’s burden and make it his own.
    Meg coughed, which roused Selene back to the present, again. She needed to stick with what was happening here and now. She sat next to the older woman. “Meg? Is everything all right?”
    “Oh! Sorry. My mind is going haywire.” Meg chuckled. “Warren and I have been discussing the changes we’ll have to undergo when the baby comes. He travels a lot, and I usually go with him…but now I’ll stay behind. The
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