A Bundle of Joy 1: Baby Wanted (BWWM Interracial Romance)
the inconvenience. She hung up before she laughed and gave herself away.
    Sean grinned and grabbed a hold of her hand as she put her phone away. “If that’s the case, I think we should take off for a few days.” He winked. “To ensure you heal up properly.”
    A startled excitement raced through Heather. She’d gone on plenty of trips with Sean, but there was something very different about going together as a married couple.
    “Like where?”
    He shrugged and led her toward his car in the parking lot. “What if we just get in the car and drive until we find somewhere we want to stop?”
    The thought was so exciting and spontaneous and completely out of character for Heather that she immediately latched onto the idea. A warm breeze ruffled the hair at her nape. “Well, why not?”
    He opened her door for her. “Why not, indeed.”
    Heather slid into the car. “But I don’t have any clothes.”
    Sean closed the door gently, but not before muttering something that sounded suspiciously like, “Exactly.”
    They drove over verdant hills and through tiny towns until they crested a hill and headed into a town that just “felt right.” Sean looked at Heather the exact moment she started to say, “This is the one.”
    He pulled off the highway and they slowly drove down the small main drag. At the end, a quaint bed and breakfast seemed to call out for them to stop. Sean turned in and came around to open Heather’s door.
    They walked arm in arm into the lobby and a small elderly woman greeted them. “Good afternoon. Aren’t you a lovely couple.”
    Heather didn’t bother to counter. And really, what could she say that would make any sense. To the rest of the world, they looked married—and she was—for a year. Sean settled their room and got a key, then held out his hand to her.
    A thousand unasked questions lived in that simple gesture. He was going to give her a baby, and that meant that sometime over the next couple of days they were probably going to have sex.
    She was going to have baby-making sex.
    With her best friend.
    Heather hadn’t really thought through the actual part about making the baby, only that she needed one. Everything else had been such a minor detail.
    Her hand trembled.
    Heather jerked her gaze to Sean’ s face. His smile was strained at the corners like he was nervous too. Her hesitation fled and she slipped her hand into his and let him lead her to their room. The B&B smelled like giant bouquets of flowers and Heather inhaled deeply to try to control her quivering stomach.
    Their room was beautiful and homey. Far homier than even her apartment—or Sean’s. Despite her fears and apprehension, this was going to be the perfect place to begin this strange alliance. And that would keep it from being weird when she was home without him, and he without her. Their personal spaces would stay their own. She relaxed. Oh, this just kept getting better and better. If they could keep their sexy-sex time confined to places like this nothing would have to change.
    Heather turned a big circle in the room and settled on the edge of a chair. Sean sat heavily on the bed and bounced up and down a few times. He smoothed the bedspread with his palms. “This will do just fine.”
    Heather laughed at how over-the-top he was acting. If there was one thing Sean had always managed, it was making her laugh no matter how dire her situation seemed. She was glad she’d decided to spend a couple of days with him. Going back to work after her faux-wedding would have been strange and awful.
    He patted the bed beside him. “You sure you don’t want to come check it out?”
    Did she? The bed got her one step closer to a baby. A thousand bubbles erupted in her belly. Sean’s gaze slid across her cheeks, held on her lips, then drifted across her shoulders and down, leaving a warm feeling like a sunbeam gliding across her skin. Heather stood and slipped off her shoes, then sank her toes into the plush carpet. Sean
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