1.5 True of Blood: Kallen's Tale

1.5 True of Blood: Kallen's Tale Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: 1.5 True of Blood: Kallen's Tale Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bonnie Lamer
around and walks away from me.  Now, I am really mad.  I catch up to her in just a couple of strides and grab her hand to turn her around.  Damn it, that hurt.  I let go in a hurry.  I forgot about her damn necklace.
    “Why does it keep doing that?” she asks , looking stupefied as she looks down at the glowing amulet .
    Perhaps I was also too hasty in determining that she has the intelligence of a gnat.  I believe that may have been giving her too much credit.  I do not hold back the disdain in my voice, as I say, “Because it is iron bound by amber bound by silver.”
    My irritation is growing by leaps and bounds.  “Did that Witch of a mother of yours not teach you anything?”
    “Look, Kallen , or whatever your name is, I don’t know who you think you are , but you need to leave my mother out of this.  And my guess is, you don’t know why it’s glowing either , or you would just tell me.  I am so out of here,” she says, and then she walks away from me yet again.  Unbelievable.
    I am beginning to think that my grandmother was simply trying to get rid of me, because even simple communication is proving to be impossible with this girl.  H er ignorance apparently knows no bounds , which leads me to believe that she will be stupid enough to open the gateways regardless of what I say or do.  This truly is a fool’s errrand .  “It is a Fairy repellent.”
    She wrinkles her nose, which makes her look cute.  I have to stop thinking these thoughts.  She is nothing but trouble wrapped up in a pretty package.  “There’s no such thing as Fairies.  Or magic.”
    I must have been too busy trying not to admire her physical assets, because it is not possible that she said what I think she said.  The expression on her face, though, tells me that she did.  “You do not believe in magic?”  A thought hits me that I had not contemplated before.  “Your mother has not taught you the ways of magic?”
    “Nope, because there’s no such thing.”
    I am now completely dumbfounded.  Her mother kept even the existence of magic from her?  “How could she have been so foolish?” I ask.
    The girl whirls around with fire in her eyes, which turns them a darker, sexier green .  “Look, I don’t care if you insult me , but that’s the second time you’ve said something nasty about my mother , and I’m not going to stand for it.  Why don’t you go back to wherever you came from and leave me alone.”
    Perhaps I should hand her over to Maurelle and Olwyn ; it would save me from having to deal with her ignorance .  A nd her attitude.   She would probably fit right in with the Pookas .  Except for the fact that they plan to kill her .   Which puts me back to the beginning.   I have to try to save this realm, which means, I have to save her.  “You are an ungrateful little snit.  Do you not care if you are in danger?”
    She rolls her eyes in an infuriating way.  “ In danger from crazy people in the woods who seem to think they’re Fairies?  Yeah, I care about that , which is why I’m trying to get out of these stupid woods and back home .  S o , thanks for saving me back there from your twisted little friends , but now you need to go away and leave me alone.”
    “It is not that simple,” I say.  
    “My dad has a shotgun and he taught me how to use it.”
    I try hard not to laugh.  “Cowan weapons do not frighten me.”
    Now, s he seems exasperated with me , as if I am the one who is oblivious and reckless.  “Will you stop it already with this LARP stuff or whatever it is you’re doing?  I don’t want to play your stupid game.  Especially if I’m some kind of target in it!”
    What gibberish is she speaking now?  I am adding lunatic to her list of negative attributes.  Perhaps that will stop me from paying attention to her positive ones.  Which, at this point, are turning out to be all physical.   “What is a larp ?” I ask .
    She roll s her eyes .  A gain.  
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