
Zombies Read Online Free PDF

Book: Zombies Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joseph McCullough
Tags: Zombies: A Hunter’s Guide
the Russian fortifications, they soon became isolated and proved easy prey for a Russian armored counterattack. Casualties for these battles are nearly impossible to calculate as it is difficult to determine which soldiers were dead before the battle started.
    In the aftermath of the war, members of the Brotherhood were hunted down and executed. Since the exact composition of the group remains unknown, it is impossible to say whether or not they were all captured, but it seems clear that a majority were dead by 1947.
    The Nazi zombie program is the closest the earth has come to the dark days of prehistory, when necromantic zombies stalked the earth in vast armies. While the Russians did prove that modern technology has lessened this threat, it should not be ignored. The possibility that one of the ancient artifacts could be recovered and break the bonds of monotheism is a dark and sobering thought. Also, the idea of state-sponsored necromancy should continue to be seen as one of the most dangerous forms of weapons development on the planet.

    7 Thule was one of the great empires of prehistory. At its peak it contained all of Scandinavia and most of northern Germany. While all of the names of its rulers have been lost, there is an indication that it had only one great emperor, a liche who ruled for over 400 years.
    8 The US government has worked hard to keep all information pertaining to the Ark a secret. There is at least one famous account of the Nazi capture of the Ark that only got past the censors because it changed all of the names of those involved, and even moved the date to several years before the war.

    â€œIt would not be easy to believe that the corpses of the dead should sally from their graves, and should wander about to the terror or destruction of the living … did not frequent examples, occurring in our own times, suffice to establish this fact.”
    William of Newburgh, Historia rerum Anglicarum
    Revenants are one of the first classifications of zombie that can be positively identified in historical sources. The Vikings called them draug or draugr and often included them in their semimythical sagas. However, it is with the later English medieval writers William of Newburgh and Walter Map that the first documented revenant attacks can be found. For the undead that stalk these tales clearly show the individuality, the malignant intelligence, and most importantly, the overwhelming sense of purpose that define these zombies.
    Thankfully, due to their relative rarity and their individual nature, revenants do not offer the same level of threat to mankind posed by their more common cousins. That said, individually, revenants are far and away the most dangerous type of zombie, and their elimination should be left in the hands of trained professionals.
    Unlike every other form of zombie, revenants are not created through any identifiable external source. They are not magical, chemical, or viral, nor are they self-replicating. People who come into contact with a revenant have no chance of being infected or becoming undead (although “dead” is a likely outcome). Instead, the force that reanimates a revenant seems to come completely from within the deceased individual. 9 This force, which is normally termed “drive” or “purpose,” is most often a single strong emotion or desire, the most common of which are anger and revenge.

    While the creation process is not fully understood, the revenants’ drive makes them similar in nature to several forms of ethereal undead such as ghosts and wraiths, and like those spirits, revenants are often said to “haunt” an individual or location. This comparison should not be carried too far, however, because unlike ghosts, revenants are in no way bound to a specific local. Instead, their drive tends to lead them to specific places. In the case of
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