Zombie Fallout 3: THE END ....

Zombie Fallout 3: THE END .... Read Online Free PDF

Book: Zombie Fallout 3: THE END .... Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mark Tufo
Tags: Fiction, Horror, Zombies, Lang:en, Zombie Fallout
dogs trained or they had us trained.
    "Fuck can't a guy get any sleep around here?" BT bellowed as he pulled his privacy curtain open. BT's massive body was laid out in an undersized bed. His leg suspended in some sort of medieval torture device was wrapped in a blue cast. "Good to see you Talbot." He said with a broad smile across his features. Puffiness around his eyes threatened to limit his vision. The pain of losing Jen and Brendon was still a fresh oozing wound upon us all.
    "Good to see you too BT." I said honestly. Neither of us commented on the others wet eyes. We bonded like all men, silently and in pain.
    "Lawrence why are you awake?" The Doc asked.
    "Who the hell is Lawrence?" I asked of the only other two occupants in the room. BT directed a stare at the Doc that should have stopped him in his tracks. The vapid gaze did not go unnoticed by me. "Lawrence? Your name is Lawrence?" I asked BT.
    "I'll wring your scrawny little neck Talbot if you let anybody know!" BT threatened.
    "It's not like you're going to be able to catch me in that get up." I answered him.
    If the human body contained gaskets, BT would have blown one. He shifted around on his bed looking for a way to get out of his traction. BT grabbed the stand that was holding up his IV bag and started to use it like an Italian gondolier, pushing his bed closer and closer to mine, which in itself was pretty impressive, considering the rubber wheels were locked in place.
    "Doc!" I yelled in near panic as BT inched nearer. "Doc!" I yelled again as I tried to sit up.
    "Hold on you two!" The Doc yelled. "This isn't a frat house! This is a fucking hospital!"
    "Sorry Doc." BT said as he lifted up his IV pole and swung it towards me, narrowly missing my leg.
    "Do you want me to put restraints on you, Lawrence?" The Doc yelled.
    "No Doc." BT answered, bowing his head.
    "He called you Lawrence." I taunted. "Ow!" I yelled as something pricked my arm.
    "Nightie-night Talbot." BT said smiling. "It'd be a damn shame if something happened to you while you were sleeping."
    I turned to my left. Doc Baker was just pulling out a needle roughly the size of a turkey baster.
    "You're next Lawrence." The Doc said.
    "Aw come on Doc. I just woke up." BT Pleaded.
    "He said Lawrence." I mumbled right before sleep dragged me down into the twilight.


    To say my dream was vivid would be an understatement. I don't know if it was due to the drugs the Doc had used, my battered consciousness or a message from a higher entity. I found myself in a small valley, surrounded on all sides by majestic peaks. Fields of bright orange poppies were all around me. Don't think for a second that the irony of that wasn't lost on me as I walked around in this preternatural world. Hummingbirds flitted from plant to plant, a cool breeze caressed my face, a bumblebee nearly the size of the hummingbirds drifted by, slowing slightly to look at me as it passed. Is that possible?
    I walked a few steps reveling in the world I found myself in. It had much the same feel as Tommy's playground, but I could not sense the kid's hand in any of this.
    "Where am I?" I asked aloud.
    "You're in between." A familiar voice answered.
    "Brendon? You're alive?" I asked incredulously. I wanted to cry with relief.
    "Not quite Mike." Came the measured response. There was a sadness intermingled with expectancy. Sadness for what was lost, expectancy for what was to come.
    "Are you…dead?" I choked out.
    "I guess by the standards of the living Mike, I am. But I have never felt more alive in my life." He laughed. "Will you tell Nicole that I love her?"
    "Of course Brendon, and thank you. But why, why did you come back?"
    Brendon sighed, the echo of it reverberated throughout the valley. "I should have never left you guys, Mike. I let pride and ego get the best of me. Those petty human qualities mean so little here, Mike."
    "Is Jen with you Brendon?"
    "She was for a while. But the pull from the other side
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