Wrestling Desire 2 (A Contemporary Romance)

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Book: Wrestling Desire 2 (A Contemporary Romance) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle Cary
never do anything to intentionally hurt you and knowing he did is tearing him up inside.”
    Emma closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  Somehow they’d all get through this heartache and move on, but she needed to take the first step.  She leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Garrett’s cheek.  “Thank you.”
    “For what?”
    “For being Holt’s best friend.”  Then using a move Holt had taught her she ducked under Garrett’s arm and headed for the door.
    “Where you going?”
    “I’m going to attempt to make things right.”  She snagged the handle of her suitcase and wheeled it toward the door.  It took less than a minute for her to make it back to the room and unlock the door.  She wasn’t sure what she was going to say to Holt other than I’m sorry, but at least it would be a start. 
    Once inside she spotted Holt lying on the bed, curled on his side facing away from her.  While he didn’t make a sound his body visibly shook and her heart hurt at the knowledge that she’d added to his pain. She dropped everything on the floor and walked to the bed.  Maybe right now wasn’t the right time to talk.  Instead she crawled onto the mattress, snuggled up behind him, wrapped her arms around his chest and held him as they both cried.

Chapter 4
    She wasn’t sure how long they lay together in the darkness before she ventured the first words.  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, breaking the silence.
    He turned in her arms until he faced her.  “You have no reason to be sorry.  I knew my actions were going to hurt you, and I’m the one who should apologize, but please understand I didn’t have much of a choice.”
    “I know.” She tucked a loose strand of hair behind Holt’s ear.  “Garrett caught me in the hallway and wouldn’t let me leave until he explained everything.”  She pushed up on her elbow and leaned in to brush a soft kiss across his lips.  “Can you forgive me?”
    He cupped her cheek with his palm.  “There’s nothing to forgive, baby.  I did a low and dirty thing to your brother and you were defending him.”
    “Yes, but my brother hasn’t exactly been an innocent party in all this.”  She studied his face, amazed to see nothing but love staring back at her.  “Him I’ll deal with later, but right now I need to make this right with you.”  She swallowed down the hard lump forming in her throat.  “I don’t want to lose you.”
    He rose up until he was looking down at her, his smile warming Emma at her core.  “I’m not going anywhere.  As long as you want me you’re stuck with me.”
    “Then I guess we’re stuck with each other.”  She slid her arms around his neck. “I love you so much.”
    “Ditto baby,” he lowered his mouth to hers, taking her in a deep kiss filled with pain and passion.  The embers of desire burned low in her belly and she slid her arms from his neck down to pull at his shirt.  The need to feel him, to be connected in a way that only they could connect pulled at her.
    He pulled back, gorgeous blue eyes locked on hers, and the fire in her belly grew.  Her skin prickled with awareness as her mind raced with the possibilities.  “I want you,” she whispered. The heat and passion in his gaze scorched her senses and she slid her hands beneath his shirt.  “Please, Holt.  I need to feel you.”
    He pushed up to his knees, stripped out of his shirt and gave it a careless toss.  Her fingers trailed over his heated flesh, tracing the outline of his abs with a gentle touch as her mind struggled to process her feelings.  He was gorgeous, caring, and all hers.  To this day she still hadn’t understood how she’d been lucky enough to catch Holt’s Heart.  All she could do was be thankful she had. Good grief, she really had no idea how hard she’d fallen for him until this very moment.
    Above her his movements stilled and his gaze scanned her face before a crease appeared in his brow. “Are you okay?” The
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