Author: Nessa Connor
    “Is that so?”
    “It is. And I can tell you something else, too.”
    “Which is?”
    “Two things. Audra isn’t so hot at math, and I’m ready to test my work.”
    Greg laughed. “Then start the bike.”
    “A mechanic better learn how to test her own work. You can’t ride yet, but you sure as hell can test the bike here.”
    The words were scarcely out of his mouth before she’d scampered onto the seat, turned the key, and had her foot on the starter. She rose up, putting all of her weight into jamming the pedal down. The roar of a healthy engine and Carly’s scream of delight reached his ears at the same time.
    “I fucking did it!” she said.
    “Carly! You want to keep working here, you’ve got to watch your language, even when you’re excited. Willow ever hears you talk like that, she’ll kick my ass, and ban you from the garage.”
    Carly frowned. “Don’t tell her. I’ll be careful.”
    He reached over and blipped the throttle. “Get your helmet. We’ll take it for a spin and see if she sounds as good at speed. If everything is okay, it’ll be time to get you home.”
    Carly dashed to get her helmet and Greg shook his head. As proud as he was of his niece, sometimes it seemed she was growing up way too fast. She’d be one hell of a teen. She’d be a pretty young woman and already she was aware of her appeal to men. She flirted to get what she wanted. On the other hand, she had the makings of becoming a great mechanic with a strong love of bikes. It would be nerve wracking to see which paths she chose.
    * * *
    As he parked the bike outside the trailer, Carly grabbed her book bag and ran inside. “Hey mom,” she called out.
    Greg followed her in and saw Willow staring at her, her fists on her hips. “Here I see you coming home with grease on your face again, girl. What will the boys think?”
    “They’ll think I can fix a bike.” She overflowed with excitement. “And they’ll be right, too. I rebuilt a carb for Bernie’s bike all by myself.”
    Greg got a beer from the fridge. “And that was after what, Carly?”
    “After I did my homework. I did it right the first time, too. Then Audra quizzed me. She said I got one wrong, but I made her check and I was right.”
    Willow smiled. “Bribery is a wonderful thing. You go wash that badge of honor off your face. Dinner will be ready soon.”
    “Where’s daddy?”
    “Resting.” Willow sounded curt and Greg flashed her a look. When Carly ran out of the room, Willow sighed. “He didn’t go to rehab today. Stayed home smoking dope. Now that he got himself a permit for medical marijuana, he’s really overdoing it.”
    “Want me to talk to him?”
    She laughed. “And then have him bitch at me all night about how his ungrateful little brother interferes with his life? I know you mean well, but no thanks, Greg.”
    Greg came over closer so he could speak softly. “Just be there for him and he’ll snap out of it.” He handed her some twenty dollar bills. “In case he bitches about me drinking up all his beer.”
    She held the money tight and nodded her thanks. Greg noticed the pinched look in her thin face. Willow had always been thin, but now worry seemed to be taking a toll.
    “You’re a good man, Greg. And the way you’re taking care of Carly is a big help. I know I worry about her hanging around the club. That’s how I started, but then she ain’t me. She’s a damn sight smarter than me, and better at looking out for herself. So with you there, I’m really happy about it.”
    “Me, too, but I have a master plan of making her my assistant and earning me gobs of money so she can take care of all of us.”
    Willow smiled. “That’d be fine. I know she sure likes that greasy work you two do.”
    “The truth is, Willow, she has a real knack for it. She loves taking something that’s broken and making it whole again, making it work like new. I think it gives her a little faith in the
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