
Wreckage Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Wreckage Read Online Free PDF
Author: Niall Griffiths
fuckin sick he’ll welly anyone even sweet ahl ladies he’s parro about evrythin he’s pure wrecked in thee ed
    no need for that man no need at all he’s wacko he’s wacko he should be locked up that fuckin bastard
    that’s it between me n im now I’m avin nowt to do with that fuckin nutter that idyit that prick he’s fuckin mental loop-the-loop he is he’s fuckin
    gunner get
man tellin yeh no lie about fuckin time that arsewipe paid too right
    all he deserves
    he’ll gerrit
between me n im
    psycho, sicko
    Tommy’ll do fuck all just laugh they’re as bad as each other wankers
    sweet ahl granny like that like me
granny dyin there in thee ozzy thee age of her like so old she gets through it all through life an evrythin all them bad years an she don’t deserve some sick no-mark knob’ed comin into her shop
    I’m sorry my nain I’m so sorry that cunt’s gunner get
    youse watch me youse just wait n see
    that’s it now man that’s
    not right in thee ed that fucker not right not right it’s all gone wrong
it right
    what do I do now oh God what do I fuckin
    Aw man, that was so friggin easy … eeeaaasssyyy … so
, lar … easiest four grand I’ve ever made that like no fuckin lie … I can do anythin in the werld, now, wharrever I fuckin want … snort me gack off this slag’s chest … no tits on it like but so fuckin what lar I’m livin fuckin large … this charlie … the weight of the ruckie on me knees like just fuckin perfect lar, knowmean? … fuckin brewstered, man … am friggin rich
… so fuckin powerful with these big bucks I can do wharrever the fuckin hell I wanner do an no fucker’s gunna stop me no fuckin Hunter clan no fuckin Lenny Rees no fuckin Gozzy Squires no Tommy not even any fuckin Joey … all me own werk this is so fuck
… is right …
    … gunna watch that fuckin Alastair tho … softlad’s all fuckin tampin cos I adter give that ahl queen a bit of a wellyin … knob’ed dozen unnerstand, like, that yer’ve gorrer be ruthless in this fuckin game, yer not gunner get nowt for nowt … lesson for life, that, tellin yeh … never get anythin for nowt … gorrer fuckin assert yerself like …
    … stop movin about, will yeh, yer spillin the fuckin beak …
    … just gorrer av the guts, like, thee arse, the balls … gorrer go out n take … don’t owe no cunt notten … it’s all fuckin yours, man, it’s all out there, just gerroff yer arse an take it … grab it … make it just pure fuckin
, knowmean? …
    … keep one beam on that Alastair, tho … cunt’s up to somethin, I just fuckin
ee is … can read that bastard liker buke … thinks I itter too hard, fuck’s … she’ll be alright … hardest bone in the body, that human skull … an anyway notten stands between me n what’s mine, no fuckin way … paid me bleedin dues, me … no lie … entitled to some kinder fuckin reward arn I …
    … I can do anythin, now, anythin I’ve ever friggin dreamed of … an I’ve dreamed of fuckin
things … no lie … believe …
    … aw man, this bugle … she’ll smoke the bone if I can gerrit up, like, cos sometimes the gack does that to me, sometimes … does it to fuckin everyone, man, not just me … but
ow it feels in thee ed …
    … so good, lar, so happy … evrythin’s gunner be alright, fuckin
… it’s just gunner get better n better n better … eeyar, Darren lad, the werld is fuckin yours … like that globe statue thingio in that film
said, ‘the werld is yours’ …
    … an it
, Darren, it
… oh too fuckin right yeh …
    … believe.
    An Jeez that’s
the face yeh wanner see on yer doorstep all unexpected like, now, is it? Checkin on yer little sis an her mates, like, makin sure none of em’s done too many pills or too many friggin Breezers an are chokin on ther own spew, like, an bing-bong the doorbell goes an yeh answer it an who’s
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