
Wray Read Online Free PDF

Book: Wray Read Online Free PDF
Author: M.K. Eidem
Tags: Family, Tradition, Sci-Fi, love, commitment, strength, romance scifi, loyal
realize what
he was asking. “Earth. We call our planet Earth.”
    “Earth….” Wray thought about the name,
searched his memory and could find nothing that was even close. He
was about to question her further when an especially strong gust of
wind blew into the chamber. “We need to move back to where we were.
It will protect us from the storm.” He stepped towards her,
gesturing to where they had been.
    Kim quickly stepped back, keeping her
distance and tried to decide what she should do. Did she believe
him? Trust him?
    “Please , Kim.” Wray
was surprised at how much it hurt to have her step away from him
and found he wasn’t above begging, not if it kept her safe. “It is
why I chose this spot. It protects us from the worst of the storm.
I would never harm you.”
    Slowly, Kim realized she had no other choice
but to trust him… at least for now and backed into the other
    “There is food in the bag next to the rock."
Wray’s deep voice interrupted her thoughts.
    "Food?" Kim's eyes immediately flew to the
bag hungrily. She couldn't remember the last time she had eaten;
neither could her stomach as it rumbled loudly.
    "Yes, it’s just nutrient bars, but it is
something." Wray heard her stomach rumble and knew she had to be
starving, he was.
    Watching him closely, Kim slowly moved
towards the bag, still unsure just how far she could trust him. The
cramping in her stomach had her quickly reaching down into the bag,
pulling out a foil wrapped package.
    "Sit , Kim." Wray
gestured to the rock and watched as the bar slipped from her hand
when he took a step towards her. "I will not harm you." He tried to
reassure her. "Please sit, you are still recovering from the
Ganglian attack and are weak from hunger.” Slowly he picked up the
bar, handed it back to her then took several steps back.
    "Ganglian?" She questioned, but slowly
sat , her knuckles white around the bar.
“You said that word before.”
    "Yes, they are the species we found you with.
Tear it at the top." Wray gestured to the bar, she held so tightly
and watched silently as she struggled with it. "Let me help." He
said softly and stretched out his hand, but moved no closer,
knowing she needed to come to him.
    Kim looked at him, her mind racing. Would he
give it back?
    He had before.
    She didn't really know him.
    But she trusted him.
    Wray watched every thought as it passed
across her face. Goddess she had such an expressive face. He could
tell she was afraid, knew she had to be confused and yet she didn’t
break. It made him want to pull her close, made him want to comfort
and protect her even more, but he knew he couldn't, not yet.
    "It will be alright Kim." He said softly. "I
promise I will give it back and while you eat, I will tell what I
know." He saw when she reached her decision and ever so slowly, she
put the bar in his outstretched hand before quickly jerking hers
    "These can be tricky sometimes." He said,
trying to ease her fear while hiding his relief that she would
allow him to help her. Quickly he tore open the wrapper and the
smell had his own stomach rumbling, reminding him that he hadn't
taken any nourishment since they crashed. Ignoring it, he handed
the bar back to her. He was male. His needs would always come
second to that of a female.
    Kim silently watched as he easily ripped open
the package, heard his stomach rumble before he handed it back.
Slowly she took the now unwrapped bar from him. "When did you last eat?" She found herself asking.
    "That is unimportant." Wray said
dismissively. “Eat.” He gestured to the bar, but to his shock
instead of doing as he ordered, she broke the bar in two, holding
half of it out to him. Why would she do that? "That is for you." He
told her gruffly.
    "We'll share." She said and for the first
time Wray glimpsed what had helped her survive the Ganglians...
stubbornness. Slowly, making sure not to startle her, he took the
    “Thank you.”
    Nodding, Kim forced herself to take
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