Worth the Chase
would be the first to do so.
    “It was nice meeting you, Taylor. Gia, I’ll text you the time and place for our next meet up.” Chance rushed out as he closed his book, pulling his backpack on in record time. And then he was gone. I stood there questioning what kind of spell Taylor had put him under and how in the hell could I learn how to do it.
    “That was weird, did you see the way he...” I started to say but was halted as I turned back to look at Taylor. She was still watching him as he walked out of the room. What the hell is going on here?
    “Taylor, are you okay?” I asked.
    She shook her head slightly, pushing the fog away I’m sure. “I’m fine. I just have never… what’s he like?” The way she spoke told me she was under the Winchester spell too. The same one Chase seemed to have wrapped me in. Except when Taylor looked at Chance it was with longing, when I looked at Chase it was a cross between wanting to fuck his brains out or punch him in the throat.
    Her cheeks warmed over as she realized I was still staring at her, watching her movements wondering what kind of crazy it was that she was thinking about.
    “Stop staring at me,” her voice met my ears, pulling me from my thoughts.
    “I’m not staring. I mean I can’t believe you’re here, but I also can’t believe you were looking at him the way you were.” My voice was full of shock.
    “How can you focus with him tutoring you? I mean… I just…” I laughed out loud not really sure how to explain it to her.
    “Chance is different, more... I don’t even know how to word it properly. His brother, now that’s a whole different can of worms.” I answered her while getting the rest of my stuff together. I hadn’t meant to leave things the way I had with Chance because in all honesty I considered him a friend, but if he thought he knew me he was wrong. I wasn’t hung up on Chase. I couldn’t be.
    “Well, my day just got twice as good. If there are two of those walking around, I don’t think there will be a chance of me maintaining that 4.0 I promised my mom.” I wanted to laugh at all the naivety that was Taylor. She had no clue the trouble that I could get her into. No idea the kind of things that took place in college. She was new, young, and what the guys around campus would consider fresh meat. Bottom line, Chance wouldn’t be the only guy on campus with his eyes on her.
    Not wanting to talk about Chase or Chance a moment longer, I shifted the subject to our housing situation. Taylor had gone ahead and rented out the place she was scoping out on the high end of town. The entire downstairs basement was ours to do with as we pleased while the kitchen and living room would be the shared common areas. Since I was already used to sharing any and all space I had with a roommate I didn’t find it to be strange at all.
    “About this place we’re renting...” I said to her as I guided us out of the library and down the steps.
    “It’s beautiful! I already saw photos of it. My dad made sure everything turned out good with the property.” What she meant by that was that her dad and my dad had teamed up and ran checks on the owners.
    “Great! Now I’m trusting you, Tay. I haven’t seen this place. I just don’t want to be stuck living with people who don’t pay their bills, or buy food for themselves.” My voice was uncertain. Did I really want to move out of student housing to end up in a place with shitty roommates? If I wanted me and Taylor to live together, I really had no other choice.
    “It’ll be fine, Gia. I think you’re way too worried. In fact, I think you’re so worried that you should go get us some wine and we should totally have a girls night of catching up?” She winked at me, giving me her pouty eyes. The ones that I’m sure no one, not even I was immune to.
    “Fine.” I sighed. “But I get to pick the wine. The last time I let you pick it tasted like I was drinking dry ass water.”
    “My wine tastes
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