Wolf Tracks

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Book: Wolf Tracks Read Online Free PDF
Author: Vivian Arend
what happens, more than just physical attraction. But you must control your wolf.”
    He and Keil had already been preparing for the next wilderness trip. There was a group of ten signed up, including Pam. While he appreciated Robyn had a point, having to court his mate around a large group of people was stupid. There might be safety in numbers and everything, but he didn’t want to have numbers. One plus one would be fine, thank you very much. An idea rumbled in the back of his mind and he tried very hard not to let anything show on his face. An excursion? Some time alone?
    Oh yeah.
    Loud clapping shook him from his reverie. Robyn lowered her hands and glared at him.
    He leapt to his feet. “Sure, sounds great. Awesome idea, you know, taking some time to get to know her. You’re a genius. Gorgeous, and a genius. What did Keil ever do without you?” Babbling . He was officially babbling.
    How fast could he get out of the room before she figured out something was amiss? He flashed her two thumbs up and dodged a footrest, aiming for the front door. “Well, gotta run. Lots to do in the next couple of days. Gotta get lots of sleep and keep my head and stay in control, right?”
    He ducked outside before she could say anything like “What the hell are you planning and I forbid you to even think about pulling a fast one.” ’Cause what he had in mind was definitely on the not-going-to-be-approved list.
    But this was his mate they were talking about here. Like Keil had waited longer than a day to claim Robyn. TJ headed back toward the hall, a brisk five-minute walk up the gravel road from his Alpha’s house. The music of the party carried through the air, and he hurried as fast as possible. The thought of finding Pam dancing with any of the other guys made the hair at the back of his neck stand upright. Oh no, waiting was out of the question. He pulled out his cell phone and made the first call. “Hey, Jared? Get your ass off the dance floor for five minutes. I need to talk to you.”

    Pam threw herself on the couch in Maggie’s living room and groaned in frustration. Off in the distance she still heard dance music, but she’d lost interest after getting tossed to the ground like a piece of confetti. Well, not true. She’d brushed herself off, thankful for the dim lighting so no one saw how flushed her cheeks were. Still, accidents happen, and she’d been more than happy to head out onto the dance floor when the man of the moment had disappeared.
    Great. So much for forever, the guy couldn’t even stick around for long enough to finish giving her an orgasm.
    She clicked on the TV and flicked through channels listlessly. Maggie was gone with her true love, sexing it up wherever their bridal suite was. Pam had the run of the house and all she could think about was how lonely it was going to be to crawl into bed tonight.
    Gack . Horny and morose, what an insipid combination. She was well on the way to hitting all the high notes for a pity party in under an hour.
    The door to the kitchen creaked, moving an inch, and she sat up to stare at it. She hadn’t heard anyone come in, but what with all the fun she was having watching The Price is Right , there could have been a dozen people in the next room.
    The door shifted again, and this time a silver-grey muzzle appeared, poking through the crack. Pam frowned. She didn’t know Maggie and Erik had a dog. She knelt on the seat cushion and watched more carefully. The animal took a few cautious sniffs, its nostrils flaring.
    “Hey, what you doing?” All the signs were there for her to read—classic nonaggressive behavior, curiosity more than anything. Pam smiled. “Come on, don’t be afraid.”
    Even though the beast didn’t act hostile, once its full head popped through the doorway, Pam swore.
    “Holy shit, no one told me they kept wolves as pets here. Good…wolfie. Stay.”
    The silver-grey creature had made it into the room and obediently sat at her
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