Wolf Tales 11

Wolf Tales 11 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Wolf Tales 11 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate Douglas
floor. So unlike her tidy, organized lover, but it was obvious he had too many thoughts crowding his mind, too many worries bedeviling him.
    Too many to share now, as he was—as a man.
    “Xandi and Stefan know we’re going to run. They’ll keep an eye on Lily for us. Come.” Keisha slipped her robe off her shoulders, opened the door, and stepped out onto the icy deck, but before she’d even begun to shiver, she shifted. Anton was right behind her, following her as she leapt over the railing to the frozen snow.
    They’d had heavy snow, then freezing rain. Then the temperature had dropped and left a frozen crust atop the thick snowpack. Keisha’s paws slipped on the hard surface and she almost skidded ingloriously across the ice, but she managed to catch herself and stay in motion. Anton was right behind her.
    She felt his hot breath across her flank as she gathered her feet beneath her, dug her claws into the ice, and raced away from the house, away from all that linked them both to their often fragile humanity—raced with all her might toward the freedom of the forest.
    Much of the woods had burned during a huge fire just a few weeks ago, but the thick blanket of fresh snow hid the devastation the fire had wrought. Once they slipped between the trees and found the trail, the going was easier, the surroundings almost surrealistic in their monochromatic beauty. Stark, black branches encased in silvery ice, pale shoots from willows and dark fir needles and pine trapped within their glittering, icy shells. The frozen snow crunched and crackled beneath their paws and puffs of steam burst from warm muzzles.
    Keisha listened for the sound of life and heard only the harsh breaths of the wolf behind her. She opened her mind to his thoughts and found nothing beyond the feral processes of a wolf running through a frozen forest. He searched for game, listened for threats, followed the scent of the female ahead.
    It was as she had hoped. She’d recognized the overload, knew that Anton had reached a point where processing allthat he knew, all that he needed to do to save lives, had overwhelmed his brilliant mind. She’d never seen him this way, but then there’d never been so much at stake before.
    Not only the lives of the missing women, but the three unborn children they carried. And, as if their desperate situation wasn’t enough, a threat against the leader of their country, the man they’d sworn to uphold and protect. Who did they save? Which lives were theirs to protect?
    Mere hours from now, it was all due to come together.
    There wasn’t enough time to gather other Chanku from all their various homes across the country, and yet Keisha knew that Anton drew his strength from the power of the pack. Knew his abilities were limited only by his connections to the energy each of them could share.
    But how, when they were scattered so far and wide? Baylor, Jake, Manda, and Shannon, even now on their way to Washington, DC, where they would keep an eye on a few very questionable members of Baylor’s old secret service agency as well as their handlers.
    Poor Baylor.
She’d hardly given him a thought, but Lisa and Tala were his sisters! He was such a good and loving man. How was he handling this, knowing both of his sisters were the targets, his unborn nieces and nephew’s lives at risk?
    Ulrich, Millie, Daciana, Matt, and Deacon were all in Colorado, awaiting direction from Anton, information from Luc, reassurance that all would be well, that lives would be saved. Were they close enough to share their energy with the one they’d all accepted as the pack’s leader?
    She and Anton would be boarding a plane in a couple of hours and flying to San Francisco. At least if he got closer to the action, he had a better chance of controlling the outcome, but Adam and Liana, Stefan, Xandi, Oliver, and Mei would remain behind, watching the babies, sharing energy, waiting to offer whatever help they could from a distance.
    Logan and
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