Wine of the Gods 4: Explorers

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Book: Wine of the Gods 4: Explorers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Pam Uphoff
travel, Jin sent men out to either flank, and sent Bickle out to scout ahead. "Don't get caught. If they see you, just bolt back here and let us know how bad the news is."
    Bickle was neither seen, nor caught. The news was all bad. "Two centuries, all mounted, but foot soldiers, not knights. Uniforms. I didn't get close enough to be sure, but I think they're Auralian. Not our army, that's for sure. They've got a wagon train of supplies, but the wagons are all sorts, like they were bought here."
    "Or taken in raids." Jin looked around, thoughtfully. "We will need maneuvering room to use the horses . . . "
    "You don't mean to fight them!" Nisto sounded shocked.
    "We have to delay them long enough for the rest of the men to form up on the ridge crest." He licked his dry lips. "And for our families to retreat up into the mountains. Flick, you'll be the messenger." He swung off his horse and dug paper and ink from his saddle bags. Orders for Ornisio. Orders for Cinna and Mev. They'd know where to take the children, and as much else as they could.
    Then he led them out and around the Auralians, to start harassing them from the rear.
    In their first sweep past the raiders their short bows hit two men, and several of the draft horses. That stopped the column's march, and they were able to lead the pursuing soldiers off into the badlands, split them and kill half a dozen of them.
    Then back to the column, this time from the far side, with less success.
    The horses were exhausted, and the sun setting. Jin pulled back into a draw with a tiny water seep. Knowing the ground was their only advantage, and he was going to use it. Leaving the horses, the tired men spread out across the dese rt and crept toward the Auralian's position.
    They were holding some sort of ceremony.
    Burial rites for the men who'd died today.
    The man officiating was not the older officer, but a youth. Slim and athletic, he stood on a flat stone shelf, a foot above the soldiers.
    "Our brothers died in the name of Peace.
    "As we came to bring Peace, they have brought us War.
    "We came into this empty land and we were attacked, slaughtered.
    "Empty handed, in friendship, bringing the blessings of civilization, we came.
    "Thus were we received, but we shall bring Peace.
    "Tomorrow we will push on to this 'Gemstone', and we shall make it ours in the name of Peace, and we will dwell peacefully among them.
    For a moment Jin wavered. He had not, in fact, asked the strangers their business. But then he looked over the assembly. All male, all armed, military discipline and marching order . . . There were a few women in the wagons, whores, or possibly captives. The only way this many men would live in peace in a town the size of Gemstone would be if they killed all the men and kept their wives. Jin winced at bitter memories. He should know. The Old Gods knew their wives knew how it worked.
    The soldiers were up on their feet now, chanting "Peace! Peace! Peace!" as other armies had been known to chant 'Victory!'
    Jin heard the clink of shod hooves, and slid backwards, bow in hand, ready to slow the first alarm and pursuit as the soldiers to one side became aware that a string of horses was departing. Two men, only slightly alarmed, trotted to catch the string and Jin waited as long as he dared before he put an arrow into the leader. Hostilities confirmed, the alarm went up and Jin withdrew carefully as commands flew and organized forays replaced the initial chaos.
    They only kept one of the strings that had been cut loose, but the invaders had spent the better part of the night chasing, and then guarding, horses. Jin and his men shot a dozen more invaders, and Risti was injured. In the pre-dawn they saddled up and headed home.
    Whether the delay had been worth the risk, only time would tell.
    They were nearly ambushed in turn by their own men. Jin blessed Ornisto and briefed Young Henner on what they faced and what he was planning on doing. "They only have a two-to-one
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