
WindSeeker Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: WindSeeker Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charlotte Boyett-Compo
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, Adult
    Her lips were full and a deep scarlet red. They glistened as she wet them with the flick of a small pink
    tongue and Conar found himself shivering.
    When she spoke, her voice somewhat louder than before, he closed his eyes and listened, for her voice
    was soft and sultry, low and inviting, and it made him tingle. When she spoke, he could hear waves
    breaking on some alien seashore, the wind soughing in strange, oddly shaped trees. He grew oblivious to
    everything else around him, even the lovely woman who was his wife.
    It made him desperately want what he knew he should not. What he thought never to want again: the
    conquest and subjugation of a strange woman’s body by his own. He ached from the need to possess
    "I love my husband dearly," Liza said. "He is my life. Without him, I am nothing. I would not want to
    "Nothing lasts forever, Daughter," the woman replied in a chiding voice. "That which we treasure more
    than we should, we risk losing to the gods’ displeasure."
    "But our Joining was sanctioned by the gods. Why would They wish to tear us apart?"
    "Have I said that was Their wish?"
    "But you said—"
    "I have told you your love will be tested. His will be tested even more."
    Tested how? Conar thought. In what way?
    "And his strength will be gauged by the gods, Themselves," the woman prophesied. "His eagerness in
    wishing to possess you, to protect you, to keep you at his side, will be challenged."
    "I will not let anyone, god or otherwise, take Conar McGregor away from me!" Liza shouted, her fists
    clenched at her sides. "He is mine!"
    "You are his keeper, Daughter, not his owner."
    "Aye, and as such, no one but me has the right to him!"
    "It has been written that the Prince of the Wind will belong only to the woman who will prove herself to
    be the most worthy of him. That may be you or it may be a woman he has yet to meet. You, Anya
    Elizabeth, may not be Serenia’s pride, after all!"
    "I will slit the throat of any woman who tries to take my man away from me!" Liza vowed, angrily
    swiping at the tears rolling down her cheeks. "I will gut her then feed her rotting carcass to the
    werebeasts who prowl the hills of Diabolusia!"
    Conar shuddered, knowing his wife fully capable of doing precisely what she threatened. Her hand on a
    crossbow rivaled his own. She might even be as good with the deadly weapon as Chase Montyne of
    Ionary, the best archer in the Seven Kingdoms, if not the world.
    Suddenly feeling the cold intensely on his bare flesh, between his toes, and along his naked shoulders, he
    turned to go back inside, but the sweet, electric voice of his wife’s companion cut through him like a
    red-hot dagger and riveted him where he stood.
    "Then heed what I tell you, my Daughter. Pay close attention, for I may say it only once: Time will tick
    away the hours ’ere this thing is done. Hearts will break and hearts will mend, ’ere love again will come.
    The answers you seek to find this night are hidden all too well; for before you journey once more through
    light, you must first make journeys through hell. The loyalty will never be fully taken, of that I can promise
    you true; but ’twill not be ever yours, I fear. Beware the Spinner’s brew!"
    Conar heard Liza’s muffled gasp of sorrow and it tore his attention from the gorgeous woman who had
    captured his sexual desire. Liza’s head was bent; her sagging shoulders so painful for him to see. He
    would have gone to her, but her words stopped him.
    "Will I lose him, then?" she asked, her face stricken with agony. "Will she take Conar from me?"
    "Not in the way you mean, but he will not be yours forever."
    Conar’s heart skipped a beat. He would be Liza’s until the day he died, and, if there was indeed a
    heaven, even after his dying breath. He opened his mouth to protest, but Liza stood and ran down the
    flagstone path and through the double doors, her muffled sobs boring into his soul. He turned, crouched
    under one
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