Wind Chime Wedding (A Wind Chime Novel Book 2)

Wind Chime Wedding (A Wind Chime Novel Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Wind Chime Wedding (A Wind Chime Novel Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sophie Moss
muffled conversations were punctuated by the faint hiss of a hose as Gladys Schaefer watered her flowerbeds and the low growl of Randy Cole’s diesel engine as he eased his truck into the driveway next door.
    Randy’s oldest child was supposed to start kindergarten at Heron Island Elementary next year. How many times had his wife, Kate, come over worried about how their painfully shy daughter was going to fit in?
    She would be eaten alive in a bigger class.
    Didn’t Becca owe it to her friends and neighbors to do everything she could to try to save the school before she left?
    It wasn’t like she was going to get another invitation to meet the governor face-to-face.
    Taking a deep breath, she pushed off the door and made her way through the cluttered living room to her first floor bedroom. She was going to that dinner on Saturday. She was going to talk to the governor. And she was going to find a way to convince him to help them save the school.
    She opened the door to her closet, catching a few sweaters as they tumbled down from the overstuffed top shelf. At some point over the next few weeks, she really needed to go through all the clothes in this closet and decide which ones she wanted to keep. Her best friend, Grace Callahan, had been threatening to stage an intervention for years.
    Snagging the sleeve of her favorite Salisbury University sweatshirt off the floor, she lifted it up and looped it over a hook on the back of the door.
    She had never been very good at getting rid of things.
    She wasn’t a hoarder…just sentimental.
    Satisfied that nothing else was going to fall out of the closet, at least for the next few minutes, she started pulling possible outfits off the hanging rack and tossing them onto the bed. When she found what she was looking for—a pale yellow wrap dress with the tag still on—she laid it over her arm and knelt down to search for a pair of shoes.
    She spotted a pair of wedge sandals buried beneath a rubber boot in the back and started to reach for them, but paused when a pair of red heels caught her eye.
    Wear something red.
    Her pulse skittered at the memory of those cool blue eyes combing down her body.
    It didn’t mean anything, she told herself. He probably looked at all women that way.
    Her hand hovered over the wedge sandals. The safe choice. The right choice. But those red heels were brand new. She hadn’t even worn them yet. And they would look great with this dress.
    Her fingers inched toward the red heels.
    They were just shoes , she rationalized. Colin probably wouldn’t even notice if she wore them. And if he did…well, then they could get a good laugh out of it.
    It wasn’t like she was wearing them for him.
    She needed to look her best for the governor. Definitely not for—
    Becca jerked her hand back. She twisted around, snagging the strap of a purse and the hanger it was attached to, and bringing them both toppling down onto her head. “Dad,” she said, relieved when she spotted the man in the doorway. “I didn’t even hear you come in.”
    He walked over and untangled the wire hanger from her hair. “You’re jumpy today.”
    “It’s been a long week.”
    He set the hanger down and held out his hand, helping her to her feet. “I ran into Shelley out in the street. She seemed distracted, too. Is everything okay at work?”
    Becca hesitated. She didn’t like keeping secrets from her father. He lived across the street and they saw each other almost every day, so even when she tried to keep something from him, he found out eventually. But she didn’t want to upset him with the news about the school. That building represented one of the last physical connections he still had to his wife, and she really didn’t want to reopen the old wound.
    Besides, Colin had seemed fairly confident that the governor would be able to help them. There was no reason to worry her father yet. “Everything’s fine,” she assured him.
    He glanced down at the dress in
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