William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return

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Book: William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ian Doescher
Skywalker. Have I judg’d right?
    My master: yes.
    —Be patient, my good friend.
    Thou shalt not seeker be; I’ll warrant that,
    In time, the lad himself shall seek thee out—
    I see with my mind’s eye it shall be so.
    And when he doth come to thee, thou shalt then
    Deliver him, in deference, to me.
    The boy hath grown quite strong. Together we
    Will bring him to the dark side of the Force.
    Thy wish is mine.
    —Thus have we set the scene:
    All doth proceed just as I have foreseen!

    The Dagobah system.
speaking with
in comlink.
    Good friends, with you I shall meet once again,
    Where our strong fleet doth plan to rendezvous.
through comlink:
] Aye, do. Th’Alliance should be gather’d now.
through comlink:
] And Luke, my deepest thanks are due to thee,
    For I did doubt that thou a Jedi wert.
    But thine example brave hath shown to me
    A power I ne’er would have believ’d was real,
    Except I was its benefici’ry.
    Thou didst not overlook thy friend in need,
    But came back for his rescue unafraid.
    Now truly, friend, ’tis I who owe thee one.
    [Exeunt Han Solo and Princess Leia.
    Beep, squeak, meep, beep, squeak, whistle, whistle, meep?
    ’Tis right, R2, we go to Dagobah—
    A promise must I keep to my old friend.
] This glove I place upon my injur’d hand,
    The hand that in the fight with Jabba was
    The sore recipient of blaster’s touch.
    O hand, replete with wires and gears that move,
    With glove of black I cover the machine
    That lies within the skinlike covering,
    Which once a medic droid hath grafted on.
    How strange this hand, which feeleth like my flesh
    Yet is such stuff as droids are made of. Cold
    And dead, yet living, this is a device
    That serves me well but represents a dark
    And dismal fate. Aye, with this hand I have
    Become yet one step closer to the man
    Whose path I fear, yet wish to understand:
    Darth Vader, who my father claims to be.
    Indeed, I do believe his claim is true,
    But shall ask Yoda to confirm his words.
    If he my father is, what shall it mean
    For the Rebellion and for my own soul?
    Shall my relations govern all my days,
    Or may I yet escape mine origins?
    Shall all the father’s sins be visited
    Upon the child, or shall I triumph yet?
    Be with me, all ye Jedi past and gone—
    I fly unto that place where first I learn’d
    From Yoda, who is small, yet greater e’en
    Than all my pow’rs or Master Obi-Wan.
    With joy, I fly from here to see his face,
    With hope, I fly to him to learn the truth,
    With fear, I fly to him to know my path,
    With expectation great, I fly to him.
    Look now, he comes—alas, how ag’d he seems!
    That face thou dost make:
    Look I so old to young eyes,
    My body so frail?
    Nay, nay, good master! Perish such a thought.
    I do, aye, I do.
    Sick and weak have I become,
    Elderly and tir’d.
    And yet, I ask thee:
    When nine hundred years thou hast,
    Shalt thou look better?
    Soon shall I have rest,
    Forever sleep, as all do.
    Earnèd it I have.
    But what is this? Thou art an aging soul,
    Yet wherefore speakest thou of death’s embrace?
    Good Master Yoda, cease: thou mayst not die.
    Verily, ’tis true,
    With the Force pow’rful am I,
    Yet not that pow’rful.
    Twilight is on me
    And thence comes night. ’Tis the way
    For all in the Force.
    Yet I have need of thy good help, for here
    I stand, return’d, prepar’d my training to
    Complete. What should I do without thine aid?
    No further training
    Dost thou require, for thou hast
    All thou e’er shalt need.
    Forsooth, ’tis true: I am a Jedi now.
    Be thou not so sure,
    For still Vader remaineth.
    Thou must confront him.
    Then, and only then,
    A true Jedi shalt thou be.
    And face him thou shalt.
    Dear Master Yoda, one thing in me burns—
    The question that is flame
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