Will of Man - Part Four
the roofs of the old barracks which were patched with straw and sod. The straw and sod caught on fire instantly and a majority of the island was engulfed in flames. Some guards ran to put the flames out while other guards ran to protect the perimeter. There was an old crank siren that one guard began cranking on. It was loud and made a deafening wurring sound.
    I knew it was going to be difficult, but I had to try and save Balow. As I ran across the yard towards the dungeon where the PULLED were being kept, I could see the front gate being rammed from the other side. It was only a matter of time before the invading pirates made their way into the prison.
    There were about 30 guards within the prison and about a hundred invading pirates. It was going to be a slaughter once the pirates made their way into the perimeter. On my way towards Balow, I was grabbed by a man. I couldn’t see the man, but he pulled me into the barn where they keep the work horses and other livestock. The man lit a lantern and gazed upon me. It was Father Patrick.
    “How did you get out?” he growled at me. “What have you done Tyler?”
    Father Patrick grabbed me by the collar and threw me into a gate holding one of the horses. He lifted his hatchet with one hand and held me with the other. I thought he was going to cut me in half when all of a sudden, he lowered his hatchet and knelt down beside me.
    “This is not your fault,” he said in low murmur. “You need to hide Tyler. No, you need to flee! I won’t let them hurt you son!”
    Father Patrick grabbed me and pointed me in the direction of the back gate. Come with me Tyler. There is a boat over here. I can open the back gate and get you to safety. I won’t let them hurt you son!”
    I think Father Patrick was convinced he was helping his real son by the way he was so determined to get me to safety. He had a crazy look of worried determination. I struggled from his grip and said, “Father, I need to get a friend first. He is one of the PULLED. His name is Balow.”
    Father Patrick shrugged off the notion and grabbed me again pulling me towards the back gate.
    “Father, I need him to guide me home. He knows the way home Father and he will keep me safe. God sent him to keep me safe and take me home. Please Father!” I cried.
    Father Patrick stopped and knelt beside me again. He pulled me in close and said, “God told you this son? God sent him?”
    “Yes father! I need him! You must bring him to me! His name is Balow!”
    “I know the man you speak of. I will get him. You make your way to the back gate.”
    Father Patrick ran from me in the direction of the dungeon. I could see the front gate beginning to buckle. It was just a matter of time. Flaming arrows still shot over the perimeter wall and there was fire all around. I ran to the back gate and crouched near the wall waiting.
    The front gate finally gave and a swarm of pirates stormed inside attacking everyone in sight. I was about to start climbing the gate when I saw Father Patrick running with a limp Balow in his grasp. Father Patrick placed Balow near me and unlocked the back gate with his key. He swung the door and motioned for me and Balow to go.
    Father Patrick held up a ring of keys and said, “I’m going to release the prisoners. I’m not a monster. I only wanted to save them, their souls. I only wanted to keep them here long enough, until they realized that…..”
    Father Patrick paused and looked at the sky as if he were searching for the right words to say. He never finished that sentence.
    “There’s a boat hidden in the cattails, straight down, near that tree. Go son!” He said and then paused his glance, “Go Tyler. Find your family. You are a good boy. I will miss playing Yahtzee with you.”
    He waved us on and then turned and left towards the raiding pirates. I could hear him yelling some prayer and waving his arms about. And that was the last I ever saw of Father Patrick.
    I helped Balow board the tiny
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