Will of Man - Part Four
stopped and treaded water.
    Jeff bumped me from behind and had a look of confusement on his face. Neither of spoke and none of the mysterious men did either. Instead, one pointed at us and motioned for one of the canoes to go after us.
    “They the other pirates,” Jeff whispered in a quiet panic. “They’re the ones Father Patrick’s been fighting with. We need to get away.”
    Jeff shuffled around and began trying to swim back in the direction of the prison. One of the canoes began paddling in our direction without making a sound. I swam hard in the opposite direction back towards the prison. A spear flew from the chasing canoe and pierced Jeff’s seed bag.
    All of his corn pour out leaving Jeff with nothing to hold on to. Jeff began to struggle, and panic set in. He grabbed the rope that tethered us and pulled me toward him. I looked in his eyes and saw insane fear. His eyes were wide open and his pupils looked completely dilated. He was in shock and was being controlled purely by his instinct to survive.
    I pushed Jeff away with the intent of spinning him around so I could grab him from behind. I learned this technique at one of my swim camps. It was not Jeff’s fault for panicking. The bravest of people will give into the instinct to survive and will grab anything within reach to keep themselves from drowning.
    I was able to turn Jeff around, but he was too strong for me and was able to spin himself around and grab me around the head. He pulled himself up and onto my shoulders, I sank to the bottom and was able to touch with my feet. I held him up and let him stand on my shoulders, but I could only stay under for so long. I had to pull Jeff off my shoulders and swim away from him. He dove under the water and tried swimming on his own. I watched him struggle, but he could only swim under water for a couple feet.
    I grabbed him again from behind, but he squirmed out of my grasp. I could hear him scream, “I want my family! I have to make it back to them! Someone help me!”
    And then there was a loud whack and Jeff’s face scrunched in pain and confusement. One of the men on the canoe had hit him in the head with a paddle. And then a final whack and Jeff’s face went blank. He slowly sank beneath the water.
    I grabbed his wrist and began to pull him into me, when I was struck in the shoulder with a paddle. I let out a whimper and Jeff and I together sank beneath the water. We sank together facing each other. His face was barely visible, but I could see he was already gone. I sank slowly and watched my good friend slip away into the darkness of the water until he was finally gone. I kept sinking staring upward. The moon must have found its way through the clouds, because I could see it’s light dancing through the water.
    I was exhausted, hurt, and in shock. I thought that that was going to be the end of my journey. That in the water, on the bottom of that lake, is where I would make my final journey into death and out of life. But then something snapped in me. I  could hear my Dad yelling for me to push on. “Don’t give up Tyler! Never quit! Push through! Push on!”
    I turned myself over and swam as far as I could under the water away from the pirates and back towards the prison. I crested the water and swam like never before.
    The pirates, in their canoes, realized where I was going and hastily gave chase. They were planning a surprise attack on the prison, but I was ruining their plans. They paddled hard, but I was now free of Jeff’s extra weight and was able to swim full force to the shores of the prison island.
    I made it to shore of the island and ran to my tunnel. I quickly disappeared into it and emerged inside the shed, within the perimeter of the prison. Once outside the prison, I had no choice but warn the guards the other pirates were attacking by yelling at the top of my lungs. They grabbed me quickly and was about to strike me when a slew of flaming arrows shot over the prison wall. Many hit
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