Wildlings Enraptured: The Novella: (Fantasy Dark Erotica, Paranormal Sex Stories, Fairy Sex)

Wildlings Enraptured: The Novella: (Fantasy Dark Erotica, Paranormal Sex Stories, Fairy Sex) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Wildlings Enraptured: The Novella: (Fantasy Dark Erotica, Paranormal Sex Stories, Fairy Sex) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jill Soffalot
pit of her mouth with an incisor embedded in the base of the shaft. Herrik hit the ground hard and rolled to his side, watching as the twins followed their absurdly large cocks to where he lay. Mistsong kicked out at Oxell, but Oxell vaulted onto the pony’s back and wrapped his brutish hands over her rolling eyes. Orthos came to a stop when the crawling nymph clutched at his ankle, moaning for the cocks that had been so recently filling her. Oxell was slobbering on Mistsong’s back as a hand slipped beneath the pony’s belly to probe at her sex, and Orthos was shaking the awful hooded hands off his bare foot. Realizing that he stood no chance against these raging behemoths (and that Mistsong’s gentle visage now snarled and snapped at her former master), he took his chance and leapt off the top of the bridge into the gently churning water beside the waterwheel. Then he had swum, shooting headfirst into a murky world where sound could not penetrate and the hellish visions of the world above faded.
    Herrik trembled at the recollections, but he knew he could not afford to dawdle. From what he had gleaned in his frantic journey he had to avoid skin contact. The flesh was where the disease lived, and if he should be corrupted by these abominations he would be doomed. He had to get a wall between himself and the advancing skin plague, and Bower Ridge was the biggest wall in all of Shadehaven.
    Rorke Bower was the wealthiest Fay in Shadehaven, and his homestead was a miniature castle complete with spindly gold turrets and gold-leaf crenellations. He had built the castle from the fortune he had amassed from his goldmines, and no doubt he found it appropriate to paint his castle the same gilded tint of the precious metal. It was surrounded by a moat filled with treacherous spikes and cutterfish, so he could not swim beneath the lowered iron portcullis. The old man had grown paranoid in his later years, and Herrik saw the glint of silver catapults lining the battlements.
    He lived with his three maiden granddaughters, who he was said to guard as jealously as his gold. His two sons had left Shadehaven to fight in the Border Wars and they had never returned. Overwhelmed by grief for the sons he lost and possessive over his last remaining heirs, he had taken to a hermit’s existence within the high walls of Bower Ridge. He and his daughters were never seen, and the castle was sealed shut against any incursions from the outside world.
    Which makes it the safest place in Shadehaven right now. But how must he convince Bower of a truth he still could not bring himself to fully believe? These Bowers were notoriously arrogant, and it would not surprise him if they closed their ears to the pleas of a naked wood elf screaming plague and hysteria. He cupped his hands around his lips and shouted at the lone guard posted on the walls. The helmed outlander looked down upon the naked wood elf with detached curiosity before disappearing from sight.
    Guard!” shouted Herrik, briefly fearing abandonment before Trixie Bower leaned over the barrier, her pixie face flushed and ringed by curly yellow hair.
    “Who goes there?” inquired Rorke Bower’s eldest granddaughter.
    “Please, Lady Bower, you must help me. I am Herrik, Andrax’s very own servant. Forgive my nakedness, my lady…I’ve been attacked…A…sickness is sweeping the village, I do not know what. You must let me in! If I can borrow a horse and some weapons, I can fly for the Overseer and give warning!”
    A flash of panic crossed her face, and she whispered a command to the outlander beside her. He hurried down the tower and drew up the iron portcullis. Well, that was easy , thought Herrik as he ducked underneath. The beautiful young Adonis standing sentry gave him a cloak, and he rushed to deliver his terrible tidings to the merciful Bowers.
    Trixie Bower waited in the deathly still of an empty antechamber. She was a few years older than the younger Bowers, but she shared their
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