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Book: Wilberforce Read Online Free PDF
Author: H. S. Cross
He was not off his dot. Colin led him back through the cupboard.
    â€”For no strategic purpose, Colin mused, you throw yourself at Spaulding. In the process you knock yourself out cold and bugger your arm so you can’t play the rest of term.
    â€”I can play—
    â€”And now, Colin continued, minutes after escaping Matron’s clutches, you come and cross-question me about Spaulding and what he thinks of you.
    Colin snaked through the darkened form room; Morgan barked his shin on a desk.
    â€”Whatever it is, Colin said, I’d put it out of mind. Spaulding’s only got eyes for Rees.
    â€”Rees! Morgan spluttered.
    â€”I know, completely absurd as well as impossible, but I have it from a reliable source.
    â€”Your source is having you on!
    â€”Possible, Colin admitted, but given that it’s Larkspur, unlikely.
    The snags were overrunning any notion of a queue. If Spaulding fancied anyone, it could never be Rees. Rees wasn’t even in the Sixth. He was in the Fifth, like Morgan. Furthermore, Rees was the most loathsome item in the form, if not the whole Upper School.
    They were due to play Spaulding again next week. This time Spaulding would know who he was. Barlow could not drop him from the XV. End of story.
    *   *   *
    Morgan kicked open the study door and found Nathan tinkering with their wireless.
    â€”He lives!
    â€”I’ve just come from Barlow, Morgan announced.
    Nathan grinned:
    At least Nathan was glad to see him, unlike Alex, whose every glance was a minefield. When Alex was younger, before his face had narrowed and lost most of its freckles, Morgan had thought the brothers looked nothing alike. He and Nathan used to pretend Alex was a foundling abandoned by gnomes. Now that Alex was almost fourteen, Morgan saw the same stab in each brother’s glances, the same electricity in their grins. The only difference was that Nathan had no guile whereas Alex had nothing but.
    Nathan cleared a space for him on the window seat and looked to him eagerly for news. Whatever snags might come, at least he still had this—this home in their study, Laurie and Nathan forever on his side, Nathan’s smile, open and frank, never thinking him off his dot. Morgan slumped down and propped his arm on a pillow. Everything seemed suddenly to hurt.
    â€”Not only is Barlow out of his tiny mind, Morgan complained, but he’s dooming us to failure the rest of term.
    Nathan commiserated: Their Captain of Games was a tyrant and a half-wit. Never had Games sunk to a more pitiful state. Indeed, without Morgan, Hazlehurst’s XV would have little chance of beating even Clement’s, let alone REN’s or Burton-Lee’s, but given Barlow’s mental and strategic defects as well as his obstinacy, more tragic even than Creon’s, Nathan concluded there was nothing to do but bow to cruel fate.
    â€”What if the Head insisted?
    â€”S-K won’t take sides in House rugger, Nathan said.
    â€”But if he leaned on Hazlehurst, he could take sides!
    â€”You’re funny. When’s the last time Twiggy lifted a finger for anything besides his bottle?
    Morgan’s zeal leaked away. There was no point discussing it since he and Nathan agreed perfectly: Their Housemaster put himself out for nothing and nobody. He left every detail to the prefectorial discretion of the Junior Common Room, which could most generously be described as incompetent and slothful.
    Nathan resumed the wireless and finally picked up a signal, admitting a scratchy drama to their study. Morgan’s head began to throb along with his shoulder. Nathan had taken out his camera and was now squinting at him through the viewfinder. The first summer Morgan had spent with the Pearls, Nathan had scrambled along the Annaside waterline, snapping his Brownie with the restless energy he applied to everything; if forced to sit immobile on the window seat as Nathan darted up and down the
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