Wicked Souls
so much trouble. “The two of us would know if a witch was working
dark magic in town.”
    “Maybe she’s flying under the radar.”
    I thought about it and shrugged. Although
some witches kept a low profile, I’d never encountered a witch who
purposely hid her magic. “Must be really under the radar.”
    Tracking a witch wasn’t hard if you knew
where to start. I cringed at the thought of going to the only lead
we had. “To find her, we have to start with Gabriel.”
    Keisha screwed up her face. “Shit. I mean snap . How are you going to do that without getting
    Luc’s face flashed in front of me. I hadn’t
told Keisha about my near death revelation—it was just too
embarrassing—but he was the only entity, human or supernatural,
that could help me with this.
    As if my simple thought plunked him on the
express train to my office, he shimmered into being, making both of
us jump. Keisha’s hand flew to her chest. My heart went zinging
around inside mine.
    Calm and unemotional, Luc stood there
staring at me. “Gabriel will never hurt you again.”
    The sharp planes of his face were as strong
as ever. The broad expanse of his shoulders as straight. A wave of
protection washed over me and my body relaxed into it, even though
my mind said, bad idea, Amy . I couldn’t help it. Lucifer and
his take-no-prisoners attitude eased my anxiety.
    Keisha gulped loud enough for me to hear it. He was an imposing sight, tall and dark and so intense my toes
wanted to curl, but my reaction wasn’t based in fear like Keisha’s. Mine was based in…
    No . I do not love him . Not
anymore .

Chapter Five:
    Personal Demon
    “You don’t have to protect me
twenty-four-seven,” I said, slamming my apartment door shut behind
us a few minutes later.
    Luc nodded, cool and detached, but I’d been
with him for seven years and I knew that look. He wasn’t about to
give in. “I am the only thing standing between you and Gabriel. Do
you think it wise for me to leave?”
    He followed me into the kitchen as I avoided
his eyes. While it was only noon, dark clouds covered the sky and
my apartment was in shadows. In the kitchen, I flipped on the
overhead light and my new refrigerator gleamed under it. The old
one had died, and since Adam had kept it well stocked in order to
cook for me, I’d splurged and bought a modern stainless steel one
to replace it. I also found out how sturdy it was when I’d proposed
Adam have me for dessert one night and he’d turned from the sink,
where he was washing out a pan, and had his dessert up against the
fridge’s door.
    Opening it, I peered inside, not seeing the
food but needing something to keep my eyes off Luc. The power and
competence radiating off him called to me like a Dove chocolate. Like a whole bag of Dove chocolates. A mountain of Dove
chocolates. I wanted to breathe in his tantalizing scent, peel off
his wrapper, and taste the decadence lying underneath.
    Slamming the door shut, I hastily reached
for the glass bowl of Doves sitting on the counter. I crammed one
in my mouth and chewed, not even taking time to really enjoy it,
just needing my fix. “If Gabe shows up,” I said around the
chocolate, “I’ll call you.”
    Cain, my black Persian, strolled into the
kitchen and rubbed against Luc’s leg as if the past six months of
his absence had never occurred. Luc picked him up and scratched
under his chin. Cain purred in response. “You may not have a chance
to call next time. If Gabriel decides to come back for you, it
won’t be to talk. You won’t have a chance to call for me. And if
Adam or Emilia or Keisha are here with you, they may end up
collateral damage.”
    He stood there in my kitchen, petting my
cat, and looking exactly the way he had six months ago before I
caught him hexing it up with Emilia. In his defense, he was under a
powerful, angel-generated spell. Still, I couldn’t get over the
fact he’d been seduced by my sister. Eww.
    Now sincerity
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