When Lightning Strikes

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Book: When Lightning Strikes Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cynthia Lucas
rudely torn away. He jumped up to a half-sitting position and turned to find the beautiful English witch hovering pathetically against the inside wall of the wagon clutching the blanket to her bosom. She was shivering visibly and just sat there staring at him wide-eyed, with a look of fear and confusion on her face. He sat back and gently spoke to her in his thickly accented English.
    “Do not fear, demoiselle. I will not harm you…and I promise I have not compromised you either. Though I must admit I was tempted.”
    She looked at him for a moment . Great! So he’s assuring me he didn’t rape me in my sleep but he was tempted to. Nice guy! She sat there in silence trying to figure out how to answer that one. Christ, those eyes of his. They stood out in stark contrast to his tan skin and black hair. They were so clear and blue, she felt like he could look right through her. She suddenly felt more naked than she was and could barely find her voice.
    Finally she cleared her throat and then asked, “Who are you? How did I get here? And where exactly is here?”
    Dominic liked the sound of her voice, sweet and rich as she spoke. Her language was most certainly that of the English, but her accent was like none he had ever heard. She spoke as though she held some authority over him, which led him further into his already strong belief that she was some noble’s spoiled daughter or niece. He regarded her for a moment more and then decided to answer her questions.
    “My name is Dominic du Barbaronne. I carried you here. And here is…well…where we sit! In my wagon.”
    He gestured for her to look around them and suppressed a chuckle at the humor in his own words. He slid forward, moving in closer to her. “The question is who are you, cheri e  ?”
    He raised one thick, perfectly shaped black eyebrow, gave her a half-smile and cocked his head to one side seductively as he spoke. She wanted to slap him. He was a swaggering, narcissistic, horse’s ass! She could just tell by the way he looked and spoke. He probably carried a mirror and comb around with him everywhere he went. Too bad he didn’t carry a bar of deodorant soap and a bucket of water instead!
    She thought about it for a moment and decided it was probably not a good idea to slap him after all. He looked and smelled like some kind of homeless guy you’d see on the street….or maybe he was a rough barroom type who’d been drinking out in the sun too long, and if she pissed him off, he might decide to hurt her.
    So instead she smiled sweetly and said, “Thank you for rescuing me, Mr. de Baraba…whatever your name is. But if you will turn around, I need um…some clothes for one thing, and I really to step outside and find the nearest place where there’s a ladies room.”
    Her eyes traveled to a slight crack in the canvas flap that served as the door of the wagon and she could see the sunlight peeping through. And then comprehension kicked in….it was morning.
    “Oh, SHIT! What time is it?”
    She began to look frantically around the wagon and then stood up abruptly. Bad idea. Her side burned like fire and she remembered she’d been struck by the lightning as she quickly sat back down letting out a deep breath and grabbing the place that hurt. She pulled the blanket out from her body making sure he couldn’t see her bare boobs and could see a bandage had been neatly wrapped around her torso. Who had done this?
    Oh, Lord, please say it wasn’t him because that would mean he’d seen her pretty much naked as a jay bird. She prayed to GOD he hadn’t done anything else to her while she was out. She wasn’t sore down there so she figured he wasn’t lying when he said he hadn’t ‘compromised’ her or whatever the hell he’d called it.
    In this day and age, it was a rare commodity to be her age and still technically a virgin, but well…here she was. She had decided that she wanted her first time to be with someone who really loved her and who she
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