When Elves Die : Episode One
“ Damn it all to hell!” Zanfire looked ahead and saw that the campsite's fire was out. All were asleep in their tents. That's where he needed to be. But whenever he closed his eyes, all he could see was his wife. Then he would cry rather than sleep. Heavy hooves approached from the west. He knelt down on the log and waited for the intruders to pass. Black stallions raced by. They were not of his camp and the darkness prevented him from seeing who their riders were. He waited until they were out of sight and then trotted back to the camp. Zanfire saw Carella and Iangold in front of one of the tents. They spoke in hushed tones, so he sneaked around the bend to eavesdrop on their conversation. He marveled at how Carella's blonde curls shined like summer wheat in the moonlight. Heart-breakingly beautiful, her voice sounded like sweet music. Her brown eyes were a mercurial pool of emotions. They sparkled with life and light. He hated Iangold. Tall and gangly for an elf, he came from a wealthy family. He played down his moneyed origins by dressing in peasant clothing and keeping his hair long. Zanfire did not like his type and saw through the disguise. “ He is an old fool,” Iangold said. “He is going nowhere and taking us with him.” “ I was once on the wrong path,” Carella said softly. “But Zanfire guided me to the right one.” “ You are blind,” Iangold argued. “He's irrelevant. You perform the miracles. He sits back and watches. And your miracles are not miracles. They are spells from the book of Arcanscape.” “ Which I am using for good.” “ Good for what, exactly? We've given up everything to follow this joker. I'm in a forest with beetles flying up my ass. Going where? Going to convert a village full of savages to believe in Pegasin?” “ You knew what you were signing up for,” she said. “ I did not know he was this bad,” Iangold said. “I can smell the alcohol on his breath from the back of the pew. We're following a crazy man on his way to hell.” “ Stop it,” Carella interrupted. “He drinks to medicate himself. He thinks no one cares about him or anything else and he may be right. But despite all of that, he still tries and puts himself on the line. That is the type of person I want to be. I cannot hide in a castle for the rest of my life and-” “ Shhh...” Iangold interrupted. “Did you hear that?” Carella turned around and looked into the dark. Zanfire stood perfectly still, hiding behind the tent wall. He heard a rustling of leaves on the ground but thought it came from the arguing couple. “ Probably a rabbit,” Carella turned her attention back to her boyfriend. “ You are taking on burdens and sacrifices that you don't have to,” Iangold said. “We can travel to other parts of Darksbane. We can go to Brelynn and spend weeks in the luxury castle there. Or we can go to the Isle of Petben, dance on the beach and eat their delectable sea food. There is a whole world out there ready to be explored.” “ I do not want a life of ease and comfort,” Carella said. “When I was sick and dying, Zanfire came and healed me. Something happened that night when he laid hands on me. I heard a calling. A voice that told me I was destined for something bigger than myself-” Carella stopped in mid-sentence when she saw the two black stallions emerge behind Iangold. The loud whinny of the horse distracted her boyfriend from the Killtooth who tackled him to the ground. Iangold's eyes widened like silver dollars as he tried to push the vampire elf off. “ Help!” Carella screamed. Iangold moved his head to the side to avoid the Killtooth's bite. Saliva dripped into his face and the guttural growl of the beast made his heart pound with panic. The blonde princess sprang into action. She grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground and mumbled a hasty spell. The beast squealed in pain as she threw the mud into its eyes. “ Tell everyone to hide!” Zanfire emerged from behind the
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