When Angels Cry

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Book: When Angels Cry Read Online Free PDF
Author: Maria Rachel Hooley
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
something.  You even went out of your way to give me a ride.”  She pulled off the gloves and felt his hand, his skin chilled.  “Besides, you could use some.  Don’t bother telling me you’re warm when your hands and face are cold and red.”
    Bastian moved his hand higher on the wheel to escape her caress.  “ I’ll be fine.”
    “I insist,” Kaylee said.  “And I’m not leaving until you come with me.”
    Bastian turned toward her and glared.  “Did anyone ever tell you what a pain in the ass you are?”    
    “More than once.”
    “I guess I’m having cocoa.   Lead on, M a cDuff. ”  Bastian shook his head, pulled the keys from the ignition, and opened his door.  The snow crunched under his weight as he stepped out.  He paused, turning toward Kaylee.
      “I didn’t know you liked Shakespeare.”   Kaylee shoved her hands into her pockets.
    “What do you know about me, Kaylee?   I don’t exactly run in the same circles as you.”   He stood perfectly still .  T he cold filled him as he looked up at a house resembling the one he’d grown up in.   Two stories, a fireplace, and shutters.  A metal fence surrounded the property and met the driveway , where the gate stood open as if expecting them.  What was it, five or six bedrooms?
      “It’s the house, isn’t it?  It makes you uncomfortable.” Kaylee, too, peered at her home as if really looking at it for the first time in years.  “When I bought it, I thought it was perfect.  Now it’s just a house.  It doesn’t really matter how many bedrooms it has.  After all, I only need one to sleep in, right?”   She started walking.  “Come on.  Let’s go inside where we can make cocoa.”
    Like hell it’s just a house , Bastian thought.  He ambled behind her along the front walkway.  He expected her to pause at the door and wonder how to get inside without her keys .   Instead , she opened it.  Wincing, Bastian stopped and shook his head.  Not only was he stupid for being attracted to a rich girl, but he was stupid because this rich girl was attached.  Otherwise, why would the door be open?
    “I need a bullet in my head,” Bastian whispered.
    “What?”  Kaylee held the door for him.
    “Nothing.”  Bastian wiped his feet on the mat before stepping i nto the black marbled foyer.  To his left , he saw a coat rack.  Kaylee shut the door, hung up her coat, and reached for Bastian’s.
    “I prefer to leave it on.”
    “Planning on making a quick exit?”  She put her hands at her sides, frowning.  “Bastian, it seems at every turn I somehow offend you, and I don’t mean to.  You did something for me I never expected, and I’m really grateful.  Can’t you just let me show you how much I appreciate your kindness?”
    “I know you’re grateful, Kaylee.  But I don’t think your husband would appreciate you dragging a total stranger into your home--especially not one who looks like he could steal you blind.”  A lump formed in the back of Bastian’s throat as he stared into Kaylee’s face.  He could read lines of confusion and sadness, and he wondered if he were wrong about her and her money. 
    “Husband?”  Kaylee laughed.   “Bastian, I’m not married.  I live alone.  I don’t even have a cat.  Why would you think that?”
    Bastian pointed to the door.  “It wasn’t locked.  I thought someone was here.”
    “It’s a bad habit.”  She reached for his coat.  “Now will you relax and stay for a bit?”
    “You leave your door unlocked?  Are you nuts?”   Bastian slowly took off his coat.
      “It’s just a house.  It’s just stuff, Bastian.  I don’t think I’d miss it.”  Kaylee averted her eyes to the rack as she hung up Bastian’s coat. 
    Bastian placed his hands on Kaylee’s shoulders.  “Look at me.”  He waited until she ’d turned and regarded him with her dark blue eyes.  “Granted, you might not miss the ‘stuff,’ as you call it.  But not every
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