What Lies Within (Book 5)

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Book: What Lies Within (Book 5) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Martin Ash
served as a gag.
       He stepped back outside and retrieved his scimitar and the key which still lay on the steps. Then, with his two children, he continued his descent into the bowels of Urch-Malmain's stronghold.
       A pair of Abyss warriors stood at the door of the chamber of the living artefact, their bored stares focused on nowhere. Plainly uninformed as to Leth's new status, they at first showed only mild curiosity as he approached. He walked swiftly towards them, his visor raised, gesturing wildly, speaking incoherent words and pointing back the way he had come. The guards frowned, bemused. Just then, following Leth's instructions, Galry then Jace leapt shrieking into view at the foot of the stairs.
       The guards’ attentions were diverted. Leth struck quickly, once, twice, hard to the head with the hilt of his sword. The first guard was down and senseless; the second strove dazedly to retaliate, but his eyes rolled and his legs failed to follow the promptings of his brain. He lurched valiantly, took another blow to the back of the skull, and fell.
       Leth disarmed them, then swiftly, using their belts and trousers, tied them up. He was pleased: this time both warriors lived. He stepped over to the door of the chamber of the living artefact, gingerly opened it part-way, and peered inside. The Portal was still, though all around it the apparatus hummed busily, its liquids bubbling and coursing, beads rolling in their troughs and dropping to run along pre-aligned courses. As far as Leth could make out the chamber was otherwise empty.
       Signalling to his children to wait, he stepped cautiously inside. No one came forward to challenge him. He wondered vaguely as to the whereabouts of Count Harg, then went out again and with Galry's and Jace's assistance, dragged the two comatose guards inside.
       'Swordbearer! What do you do?' came a voice from within the portal.
       Leth recognized it as being that of Aztin, the most senior entity. He bolted the door behind him. 'I come seeking advice and assistance. I throw myself upon your collective mercy.'
       'Our mercy?' queried Aztin, speaking for his fellow entities. He seemed quite startled by the concept. 'Advice? Assistance?'
       'What is this?' piped the voice of another entity. And another: 'What did he just say?'
       More joined in. 'What does he want? Why has he come? Who is that with him? Why does he drag dead guards? Where is the Master?'
       'Ah, now there are two good questions,' said Aztin. 'Swordbearer, it is surely not proper that you should come to this chamber alone. Certainly it is not proper that you should drag dead guards. And where is Master Urch?'
       'The guards are not dead; I wouldn’t have taken the time to truss them if they were. I am simply keen to ensure that when they wake they are discouraged from attacking me. As for Urch-Malmain, that is one of the matters I wish to discuss with you,' said Leth. 'Understand, it is my perception that Urch-Malmain has misused you.'
       There was a sudden silence, then, as suddenly, several voices spoke simultaneously. 'Misused? What is he saying? Yes, misused. Misused! We have said as much many times! But does Urch-Malmain take note? No! We have done everything that he asked, yet he demands more and more. He refuses to release us, denies us our rightful liberty. Yes! Yes! We are misused, and more!'
       Through the hubbub Aztin appealed for calm. 'Enough, now! Swordbearer, I repeat my question: Where is Master Urch? Am I correct in assuming that he has not sanctioned your presence here? Is he harmed?'
       'Master Urch . . .' Leth began, 'Master Urch is not privy to my being here, it is true, though he has almost certainly guessed that this is where I am to be found.'
       'Have you offended against him? I think that you must have.'
       'I have - for a short time at least - disabled him.'
       'He is not harmed. But I have arranged matters so that you
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