Wellington’s Engineers: Military Engineering on the Peninsular War 1808-1814

Wellington’s Engineers: Military Engineering on the Peninsular War 1808-1814 Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Wellington’s Engineers: Military Engineering on the Peninsular War 1808-1814 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mark S. Thomson
Tags: History, Military, Portugal, Non-Fiction, Spain, Napoleonic wars, Engineering
discarded in the various operational campaigns. Wellington destroyed several bridges as the French army advanced through Spain into Portugal in 1810 as he retired into the Lines of Torres Vedras. Masséna did the same when he retreated the following March. As Wellington pursued him north he was faced with a number of obstacles. First the bridge over the Alva at Ponte de Murcella needed to be repaired. The Royal Staff Corps built a floating bridge as there was insufficient material to construct a full bridge. A few weeks later, Wellington needed a further crossing-point over the Coa near Almeida, Masséna having also destroyed this bridge. The Royal Staff corps, once again, made the bridge usable, using locally-sourced wood to fill the gap.
    1811 saw major problems as the Allies now began to take the offensive. The focus of the operations moved further south and the crossing-points over the Guadiana now became more important, the only two major ones being under the castle at Badajoz and at Merida. The Allied sieges of Badajoz were seriously impeded due to the lack of a pontoon train and the difficulty in keeping the temporary bridges made from trestles, wine casks and pontoons in place in the changeable weather. Further north, when Wellington was threatened by a superior French army at the Battle of Fuentes del Oñoro, he arranged to have a temporary bridge built across the river Coa in case he needed to retreat.

The bridge over the Coa at Fuentes d’ Oñoro .

January 1812 saw a trestle bridge built across the river Agueda by the Royal Staff Corps to enable Allied troops to approach and besiege Ciudad Rodrigo. Wellington had recognised that a proper bridge was essential and that it would have to be very strong to survive the torrents of water that flowed during the winter. There was no way a pontoon bridge would survive these conditions so the decision was made to construct a trestle bridge. Large amounts of timber were required as the river was about 400 feet (125m) wide. Henry Sturgeon RSC was ordered to prepare the bridge and work started in October 1811. The foot of each trestle was tapered and weigh down with rocks to resist the water flow. This bridge was constructed in appalling winter weather and remained in place throughout the siege. It was then dismantled and stored in Almeida in case it was needed again.
    As in the previous year, the third siege of the fortress of Badajoz was hampered by the problems in keeping a pontoon bridge across the river Guadiana. 1812 also saw the Allied lines of communication significantly improved through an innovative repair to Trajan’s Roman bridge at Alcantara. At the same time, Wellington ordered a raid to destroy the French pontoon bridge at Almaraz. Combined, these two actions meant that Wellington could manoeuvre his troops much faster than the French. Following the siege at Burgos, the engineering services played a major role in slowing the French pursuit by destroying bridges
    1813 was the first time a pontoon train travelled with the army. It was used a number of times during the Allied advance that led to the successful battle at Vitoria. Later in the year a range of methods were used to cross the rivers Bidassoa, Nivelle and Nive around the French border. 1814 started with the daring crossing of the fast-flowing and tidal river Adour where the wide river was bridged using local boats held in place with five massive cables. Around twenty-five were used with several being held in reserve.
    Wellington had to use pontoons to cross numerous rivers as he pushed the retreating French army further east. He was close to disaster at Toulouse when the pontoon bridge over the river Garonne was swept, away leaving part of the Allied army stranded on the wrong side of the river for three days.
    The quick summary above shows that river crossing was an essential component of Wellington’s strategy throughout the war. Whilst these were the key events, officers from the Royal Engineers and
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