skeleton and skin
    Glamis Castle, Scotland
    Glamis, Janet Douglas, Lady
    Glamis, John Lyonh Baron
    Gordon, Lord George
    Gordon, Captain Robert
    Gowland, Mary
    Grafton, Anne, Duchess of see Upper Ossory, Countess of
    Graham, David
    Graham, James
    Graham, Margaret ( née Mylne)
    Graham, Roberth Laird of Fintry
    Gray, George: relations with Mary ; background and service in India ; makes Mary pregnant ; Mary’s engagement to; visits Stoney after duel; and Mary’s marriage to Stoney; threatens Mary with breach of promise suit; Stoney pays compensation to
    Gray, Thomas: tutors Strathmore at Cambridge; on Strathmore’s wedding to Mary; visits Glamis ; stays at Gibside; visits Strathmores in London; in Paris
    Greive, George
    Gretna Green, Scotland
    Grose, Sir Nash
    Grosley, Pierre Jean
    Grosvenor, Mary, Lady ( née Davies)
    Grosvenor, Sir Thomas

    Halifax, George Savile, Marquess of: Advice to a Daughter
    Hamilton, Mary
    Hardy, Thomas (novelist)
    Hardy, Thomas (radical)
    Hawkins, Sir Caesar
    Held Woltemade (Dutch ship)
    Henry VIII , King
    Hickey, William
    High Court of Delegates see Court of Delegates
    Hill, Joseph
    Hoare, Henry
    Hogarth, William: Marriage A-la-Mode
    Holland, William
    horse racing
    Houghton, Mrs (wet-nurse)
    Howard, John
    Hubbersty, Zachary
    Hull, John
    Hunter, John: Mary meets; natural history collection and museum ; and expeditions to Africa; rivalry with Foot; treats Mary ; satirical poem on Mary addressed to; Stoney entertains ; delivers Mary of baby; and Stoney’s philandering; Mary gives giraffe skin to; supports Mary in case against Stoney
    Hunter, William

    Infant Custody Act (1839)
    Irish Register, The

    Jackson, Elizabeth
    Jackson, Emily
    James V, King of Scots
    James VI , King of Scots (James I of England)
    Jessop, Lady Anna Maria ( née Bowes; Mary’s daughter): birth; in mourning for father; removed from mother and sent to school; in Downman portrait; Stoney abducts and takes to France ; Stoney’s marriage plans for ; impressed and dazzled by Stoney; defies mother ; visits mother after laudanum episode; Stoney threatens to take abroad again; and Mary’s escape from Stoney; in care of Elizabeth Parish; and mother’s legal case against Stoney; elopement and marriage to Jessop; later relations with mother; accompanies mother to Stourfield House; death
    Jessop, Anna Maria (daughter)
    Jessop, Henry
    Jessop, Susan
    Johnson, Samuel
    Johnston, James
    Joplin, Thomas

    Kenyon, Lloydt Baron
    Kew Gardens: established; plant collection
    Kinghorne, John Lyont Earl of
    King’s Own Regiment (4th Foot)

    Lacey, Thomas
    Lambton, General John
    Lambton, Lady Susan ( née Lyon)
    Lawrenson, Mary ( née Stoney; ARS’s sister): friendship with Mary; tyrannised by brother at Gibside; escapes from Stoney’s care and returns to Ireland; Stoney’s marriage plans for; sympathises in Mary’s case against Stoney
    Ledstone (house), Yorkshire
    Lee, Daniel
    Lee, James
    Lee, John
    Lennox, Lady Sarah
    Liddell, Henry
    Liddell, Margaret
    Liddell, Thomas
    Lind, James
    Linnaeus, Carl
    Llewellin, Edward
    London: conditions
    London Consistory Court (Doctor’s Commons)
    London Evening Post
    Long, Tilney
    Loughborough, Alexandert Baron ( later 1st Earl of Rosslyn)
    Lucas, Edward
    Lyon family (Strathmores)
    Lyon, James (Strathmore’s brother)
    Lyon, Mary (Aunt Mary)
    Lyon, Thomas (Strathmore’s brother): and Mary’s marriage to Strathmore; attends Cambridge University; close relations with brother Strathmore ; at Glamis; as M P; manages family affairs; commissions poem for birth of nephew John; marriage; hostility to Mary ; refuses money to Mary; and brother Strathmore’s death; custody and control of Mary’s children ; and Mary’s relations with Gray; plans for Strathmore daughters; brings action against Stoney’s abduction of Anna; meets Mary and Stoney after laudanum episode; denies support to Mary in case against Stoney; relaxes attitude to Mary; marriage settlement on Anna and Jessop; supports
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