Warlord Metal

Warlord Metal Read Online Free PDF

Book: Warlord Metal Read Online Free PDF
Author: D Jordan Redhawk
set up the machine for another pot. The house was quiet since neither of the band members in residence had awakened yet. This is my favorite time of the day, the teenager decided with a grin. All calm, nobody around.... Nice.
    Even the cat wasn't anywhere around, having decided to enjoy the lower temperatures of a late summer morning. It was already seventy-five degrees and was predicted to hit ninety-five before the afternoon was through. In anticipation, Sonny was wearing a pair of tan hiking shorts and a white tank top.
    With the coffee brewing, she picked up her own cup and padded barefoot into the dining room, resuming her seat at the table. The daily paper was spread out around her. She picked up the local section and began reading. So engrossed in an article about the mayor's latest coup for the city, Sonny didn't hear anything until the soft tapping on the wall by the patio door gained her attention. Looking up, she saw a stranger smiling uncertainly at her.
    "Um... hi. Jordan said there was a bathroom somewhere....?" The woman was the epitome of a groupie with tight, short shorts, a stretchy midriff tank top that left nothing to the imagination, long platinum blonde hair and heavy club makeup. The hair was mussed, the makeup smeared, and there was a very evident hickey on her neck at the juncture of her shoulder. She was barefoot and clutching a handbag.
    Another one?! That makes it twenty-three now! With practiced nonchalance, she answered, "Yeah, come on in" After the woman had shut the screen door behind her, the dark girl said, "Right through there, around the corner. It's the door under the stairs." She surreptitiously watched the woman leave, comparing her to the others that she had seen over the last ten months.
    It didn't appear that the female guitarist had any sort of color preference in either hair or eyes. Sonny had also seen the entire spectrum of skin color. And they were all drop dead gorgeous - at night, in a dark and smoky club - promiscuous and tall. That would put Jordan at about level with.... And she blushed slightly at the imagined sight. "Well, I guess she's a breast woman, then," she muttered, rattling her paper and trying to get back to the article she had been reading. Despite herself, her mind wandered back to when she had figured out why all these women were hanging out in Jordan's room.
    The band had played a Halloween gig at the Starlight the previous evening. It had been a private party with three other bands, so even though she was a minor, Sonny was able to attend. While the other bands were pretty good, Warlord was better, in her opinion. But then, it's not like I'm biased or anything! she giggled to herself over breakfast the following morning.
    As usual, the morning hours were hers alone. Eventually, her brother woke up and descended to the dining room for something to eat. It was late October, cold and wet outside. The house was warm and the siblings sat at the table and chatted over coffee and cereal.
    And then there was a strange woman at the patio door wearing a leather jacket and not a whole hell of a lot else . Middlestead let her in and directed her to the bathroom.
    Sonny frowned in thought. "Ya know, that's the third time Jordan's had somebody sleep over. You think that girl's homeless, too?"
    The dark man sputtered a bit as he fought to swallow his coffee. He eyeballed his sister carefully. "Um... no, I don't think she's homeless."
    "Really? Then why'd she stay the night?" Sonny asked in confusion. "I thought slumber parties were for kids - and I can't see Jordan at one of those."
    Middlestead's face turned a nice shade of pink. His darker blue eyes darted around as he tried to come up with a tactful way to explain the reality of the situation to his naive little sister. Unable to come up with one, he finally said, "Well, look, you know about the birds and the bees, right?"
    Sonny was puzzled. Why's he changing the subject? "Yeah, I know. I had that talk with Mom and then
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