War of Dragons

War of Dragons Read Online Free PDF

Book: War of Dragons Read Online Free PDF
Author: Andy Holland
spun around and lit up the chamber with her own fire and found that there was just the three of them.
    They were right behind me, Seth replied in surprise.
    They must have taken a wrong turn, Arthur said, moving back towards the tunnel they came from. We'll have to go back!
    We can't! We're as likely to run into the Blues as them, and then what?  How will that help them? Seth asked.
    I can't leave my sister alone to face that patrol—
    She's not alone; she's with Jenna, and the patrol might not find them, Crystal pointed out. She has probably gone deep into the caves by now. Getting out might be a bigger problem.
    She's right, Seth agreed quickly. I couldn't remember the way back. We could be lost in here.
    A shrill scream echoed through the caves. The Blue Dragon patrol had just landed outside.
    Look, just shut up and stop moving about, will you? Crystal snapped at Arthur. We need to stay quiet and hope they give up looking for us. It's our only chance. After all, they can't track us in these caves, but they can hear us; our movements if not our thoughts. If we stay still and make no noise, they may not find us.
    Ten Blue Dragons were gathered around the cave entrance, deciding what to do next.
    Commander, do we enter? These caves are a maze and many have died by getting lost in here. They may not find their way out anyway.
    Coward! the commander hissed at him. We have our enemy cornered and we will finish the job. Follow me. He entered the cave and two of the others stood behind him as he lit up the entrance chamber with a puff of flame.
    There are three tunnels, sir, one of the two behind him stated. Which one do we take?
    Light the cave, he instructed them. The two dragons blew a series of fireballs into the ceiling while their commander examined the floor.
    The left tunnel, he replied. Look at their tracks in the dust on the floor. Finding them will be easy. Move!
    Jenna and Daisy had also reached a dead end and were struggling to work out what to do.
    We must have taken a wrong turn, Daisy pointed out. We've lost the others!
    You think? Thanks for letting me know, Jenna replied sarcastically.
    There's no need to be like that, Daisy replied, sounding hurt. You were the one in front, not me.
    So I got us lost, did I? This is my fault? Jenna snapped.
    I didn't say that, Daisy objected.
    Well, you may as well have, Jenna replied irritably. What are we going to do?
    How should I know? Daisy replied coldly. I'm the half-witted airhead, remember?
    Jenna had forgotten she had called her that. Look, I'm sorry I said that. I was upset. I didn't mean it.
    Yes, you did mean it, Daisy retorted. You think that to be unpleasant is clever and to be nice to people is stupid.
    Jenna hesitated, wishing she was here with anyone else. No, I don't think that. I think being oblivious to what's going on around you makes you half-witted.
    I see people's flaws just the same as you do; I just don't make fun of them. I've known what you thought of me from when we first met and you called my brother my babysitter.
    Do we need to do this right now? Jenna asked. We've a good chance of dying in the next few minutes. We should concentrate on working out how to get out of here.
    They paused for a moment, hearing the scraping and scratching of claws on rock echoing through the caves.
    Sounds like they're getting close, Jenna said nervously.
    The echoes can be deceptive, Daisy replied. They may be going away from us.
    If they're not, what do we do? Jenna was getting anxious.
    Stay still; make no sounds, not even when they're right on top of us. Our only chance is to stay hidden. Let's just stop talking and wait.
    Jenna was a little confused. Why? Could they hear us communicating like this, telepathically?
    No, of course not, Daisy replied coldly. I just don't want to hear your voice any more. Not ever.
    The Blue Dragon commander had reached a fork in the tunnels and stopped to examine the ground. The trails split here. They have divided
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