mean? Oh, not a literal translation, but what you expect from such a liaison, especially with Serry and myself. For you know we have—er, had—no interest in a man or what occurs during…” She looked at Serena helplessly.
“Whatever it is that occurs,” Serena finished. “Until now. And now, only due to your attentiveness toward us. Also, if I may be so bold as to speak freely, in addition to what your, um, cock seems to be able to achieve.”
“Your second assertion is the correct one.” He saw by the look on both faces they did not understand his remark. “You had no interest, now you have. I have instilled that interest in you. Later I will instill more than mere interest in both of you—my cock. I will introduce you to all manner of delights that we three will enjoy together. Between us we have six hands, three mouths, four delightful breasts and nipples, one chest and nipples, two cunts, one cock, and three arses. So much for us to explore.”
“Together? Always?” He could see the sensual awareness in both sets of eyes—one blue, one brown.
“Not always. You two will need time to love together. There will be times when I choose to be with one of you alone. Sometimes, perchance we may be two and our third an interested voyeur. Our ménage will be one to the advantage of each of us. I guarantee should you decide for this, we all gain. However we are together, be it as two or three, however we conduct our love, if we three are in the same establishment, we always finish up in the same bed. Together. Never will one of us feel neglected, shunned, or foresworn.” He waited. They both nodded.
“ If we agree to this.” Arabella spoke firmly.
“But of course.” He raised his eyebrows in surprise at the suggestion that he could think aught else. “Although you will, ere you would not have visited.”
“What if we hate it, Ivo?” Serena wondered. “Or one of us does and the other does not. What then?” The look on her face showed worry. Ah, he wanted neither of his lovers to feel so disposed. He rushed to reassure them both. “If you truly, after we have given our arrangement full reign and trial, dislike it, we finish it with no consequences. Likewise if one is happy and not the other, we end it. A ménage à trois or nothing. One final thing for you to ponder until we meet later: I will be faithful unto both of you. Faithful, open, and honest. I will not take one without the other knowing. I accept you will be together more than we will contrive as three and would not expect you to abstain. I bow to you as two loving Sapphics. I only ask perhaps you grant me details of activities when I am absent? I will fuck no other apart from you two for as long as this arrangement may continue. Also I will not go away without informing you. Now think on what we have discussed.”
He held out his hands, one to each. As they took hold, he nodded so they held each other’s hand also. Linking pinkies, they formed a circle. He then brought their hands to his mouth and kissed them, a vow in his movement.
“You two also,” he commanded, watching as slowly they returned the salute.
“I wonder what we may be walking into,” Bella pondered aloud as they sat together under the coverlet of her canopied bed drinking hot chocolate and holding hands, even though Serena’s bedchamber was next door. After dismissing their maidservants, whom they knew were lucky enough to share a room openly, they adjourned to the same bed whenever possible. To talk, giggle, and love.
In Lady Prosser’s house, they were allocated adjoining chambers in a corridor otherwise uninhabited. Therefore, they knew as long as they were apart when shutters were opened and their hot water for bathing brought in, they could spend precious hours together. For a myriad of activities. Tonight, to ask questions and try to arrive at satisfactory answers.
“Sex. In a myriad of unknown ways should we choose to do,” Serena now