Waking Up

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Book: Waking Up Read Online Free PDF
Author: Arianna Hart
attraction she’d felt for him in the bar, letting him take her back to his room and the things they’d done there were absolutely not normal for her. She’d never had a one-night stand in her life and she was thirty-five. Michael hadn’t been her first lover but no one had ever made her feel like Declan had that night. He’d drawn reactions from her body she didn’t know she possessed.
    Could that have anything to do with his crazy ability to heal from a stab wound?
    Okay, that was just weird. Insane.
    But so was the fact that he was standing here like nothing had happened when she’d seen him bleeding on the ground.
    Before she could answer him, the intercom buzzed loudly, breaking the tense silence.
    “That’s the pizza. I better get it, you’re not exactly presentable.” She nodded at his ruined shirt and ripped pants. “Open this and be ready to talk when I get back.” Handing him the bottle of wine, she stalked to the door and tried to bite back the questions buzzing in her head.
    She was struggling to think logically. It didn’t help that his nearness made her nerves sing. She knew exactly what he could do with that erection tenting his pants and her body wanted it right now. This was not how she’d expected their dinner to go.
    When she got back in the apartment with the two pizza boxes, he’d laid out plates and napkins on her tiny dining table and had the merlot in her good wine glasses.
    He’d also taken off his shirt.
    The wits she’d worked so hard to bring to order scattered in a million directions at the sight of his tanned chest and rippling muscles. She wanted to trail her tongue down the thin line of hair arrowing to his cock. Again. The Celtic knot over his heart matched the one on her wrist perfectly. Just looking at it made her clit swell and tingle for some reason.
    “That smells fantastic. Come, sit.” He held out a chair as if they were at a fancy restaurant, not in her small apartment with her in her pajamas and he only half-dressed.
    “Thanks.” Her thighs quivered as he brushed against her. She needed to think straight but all she wanted to do was lap him up.
    “I’ve been trying to figure out how to go about telling you what’s going on in a way you’ll believe, but I’ve not been altogether successful.”
    “Just tell me the truth.” She took a sip of the wine he’d poured.
    “I will, but it’s a long story and most of it you won’t believe anyway.”
    What the hell was that supposed to mean? “Try me.”
    His eyes flamed and he glanced at her chest where her nipples stood out plainly through the thin T-shirt.
    This time, she gulped the wine.
    “I’m going to start at the beginning. If you could suspend your disbelief for a while, it’ll help.”
    “After watching your skin heal practically before my eyes, I’m pretty open-minded right now.”
    “Right.” He took a deep breath. “Long, long ago, Ireland was a land of constant battle. Vikings attacked from the seas, clans fought each other as much as they fought foreigners and a man’s life could be cut short from a simple accident as easily as from an enemy’s sword.”
    Some of this sounded familiar either from her Nana or from books she’d read. She took a bite of pizza and waited for him to continue.
    “The gods were closer then. The veil separating the mystical world was far thinner than it is in this day of science and technology. Druid priests and priestesses didn’t just sacrifice and pray to the gods, they actually communicated with them.”
    Okay, this was getting a little weird now. She bit her tongue and let him continue though, sensing he was getting into a rhythm.
    “I had given my loyalty to my chief and was honor-bound to serve him for a year and a day. During that time I fought many battles under his banner and received great glory and honor. With that glory came women.”
    Okay, when did this go from a history lesson to a memoir? Was he saying he lived back then? That was impossible.
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