there. Bright in here. Can feel it on my lids. Seems a little heavy. Keeps shutting my eyes. Well … have to open them sooner or later. Have plenty of time. All morning. Feel a little tired, a bit sluggish. Shower will take care of that. Okay. Just pop them open and sit up.
There you go. Better get in the shower.
Oh god, that feels good. Wonder who invented the shower? A stroke of pure genius. It turns the whole day around. Always feel better after a shower. No matter how rotten you feel when you get up. Always. Seem to feel pretty good anyway. Just another day. Surprised Im so relaxed, guess I expected to be a little tense, sort of uptight … I dont know, maybe kinda worried about this whole thing. It is a big day. It really is a big deal. Dont feel that way though. Well, you know this isnt a spur of the moment action. A lot of work and research, a lot of research and pin point planning have gone into this endeavor, so you see its not surprising Im relaxed. Sit back and enjoy the morning and save my energy for this afternoon. Oh, I do know what Im doing, you can bet on that …
As a matter of fact it is extraordinary how relaxed I am. Wont be long I/ll be leaving and seeing gods gift to the VA and wishing him bon appetit, wonder if he/ll get a pain in the gut, O krist I hope so. A little poetic justice. At least that. Cant choke him … well, could probably get away with it. People get caught because theyre stupid … or nutcases. They dont stay focused. Some dont even have a plan. Just like to kill people. Advertise their guilt. Too much evidence all over. Dumb psycho business of wanting to get caught. Or the obvious connection. They check the files for people who want to kill Barnard theyd find thousands, thousands … hundreds of thousands. Hey, natural causes. Contaminated food. Cant get caught. No crime. Should get there early. Park the car close, not too close. Easy walk to the coffee shop. Bad idea to get there too early. Hang around and some one gets paranoid and calls the cops. Planning always pays off. Guess thats why Im so relaxed. Nice and easy. Just drive normally, walk normally. No big thing. Just another day.
Traffics not too bad. Maybe most of the crazies stayed home today. Not too bad a drive. Going west this time of day helps. Traffics bad enough without the sun blinding you. Amazing lack of self consciousness. Dont feel like I have to watch every car. Just keep alert. Stay in the right lane and always yield the right of way. It always amazes me how inconsiderate most drivers are. A little common courtesy would prevent 90% of the accidents. Just let the other guy have the right of way. Krist, youd think their lives depended on getting ahead of everyone. Weave in and out, cut people off and for gods sake dont use your directionals, whatever you do dont signal you dumb son of a bitch, just wander back and forth, zip across 10 lanes of traffic, thats fine, maybe cause a few accidents, even kill a few people, but what the hell, you own the fucking street so you can do what in the hell you want and whatever you do, dont go to all the trouble of pushing the lever up or down, please, please, I know it takes too much energy so dont bother, please, dont bother just go your merry way and dont fucking signal you numb nuts son of a bitch jesus krist common courtesy is ancient history with these maniacs, love to just ram one of those bastards sometime, just plow right into him then go my merry way with my finger extended toward the heavens and send a few of these bastards to hell, god I hate these creepy bastards, oh shit, I have to get over to make a left, you son of a bitch, why cant you let me in you miserable prick god how I hate them, they can see Im trying to get over what the hell do you think that blinker means, the car has palsy fuckem, I/ll just stay right here until someone lets me in, let them honk all they want I dont give a shit how far