Waiting for Godot

Waiting for Godot Read Online Free PDF

Book: Waiting for Godot Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samuel Beckett
came over me. Forgive me. Forget all I said. (
More and more his old self
.) I don’t remember exactly what it was, but you may be sure there wasn’t a word of truth in it. (
Drawing himself up, striking his chest
.) Do I look like a man that can be made to suffer? Frankly? (
He rummages in his pockets
.) What have I done with my pipe?
    VLADIMIR : Charming evening we’re having.
    ESTRAGON : Unforgettable.
    VLADIMIR : And it’s not over.
    ESTRAGON : Apparently not.
    VLADIMIR : It’s only beginning.
    ESTRAGON : It’s awful.
    VLADIMIR : Worse than the pantomime.
    ESTRAGON : The circus.
    VLADIMIR : The music-hall.
    ESTRAGON : The circus.
    POZZO : What can I have done with that briar?
    ESTRAGON : He’s a scream. He’s lost his dudeen.
    Laughs noisily
    VLADIMIR : I’ll be back.
    He hastens towards the wings
    ESTRAGON : End of the corridor, on the left.
    VLADIMIR : Keep my seat.
    Exit Vladimir
    POZZO : (
on the point of tears
). I’ve lost my Kapp and
    ESTRAGON : (
convulsed with merriment
). He’ll be the death of me!
    POZZO : You didn’t see by any chance—.(
He misses Vladimir
.) Oh! He’s gone! Without saying goodbye! How could he! He might have waited!
    ESTRAGON : He would have burst.
    POZZO : Oh! (
.) Oh well then of course in that case . . .
    ESTRAGON : Come here.
    POZZO : What for?
    ESTRAGON : You’ll see.
    POZZO : You want me to get up?
    ESTRAGON : Quick! (
Pozzo gets up and goes over beside
    Estragon. Estragon points off
.) Look!
    POZZO : (
having put on his glasses
). Oh I say!
    ESTRAGON : It’s all over.
    Enter Vladimir, somber. He shoulders Lucky out of his way, kicks over the stool, comes and goes agitatedly
    POZZO : He’s not pleased.
    ESTRAGON : (
to Vladimir
). You missed a treat. Pity.
    Vladimir halts, straightens the stool, comes and goes, calmer
    POZZO : He subsides. (
Looking round
.) Indeed all subsides. A great calm descends. (
Raising his hand
.) Listen! Pan sleeps.
    VLADIMIR : Will night never come?
    All three look at the sky
    POZZO : You don’t feel like going until it does?
    ESTRAGON : Well you see—
    POZZO : Why it’s very natural, very natural. I myself in your situation, if I had an appointment with a Godin . . . Godet . . . Godot . . . anyhow you see who I mean, I’d wait till it was black night before I gave up. (
He looks at the stool
.) I’d very much like to sit down, but I don’t quite know how to go about it.
    ESTRAGON : Could I be of any help?
    POZZO : If you asked me perhaps.
    ESTRAGON : What?
    POZZO : If you asked me to sit down.
    ESTRAGON : Would that be a help?
    POZZO : I fancy so.
    ESTRAGON : Here we go. Be seated, Sir, I beg of you.
    POZZO : No no, I wouldn’t think of it! (
Pause. Aside
.) Ask me again.
    ESTRAGON : Come come, take a seat I beseech you, you’ll get pneumonia.
    POZZO : You really think so?
    ESTRAGON : Why it’s absolutely certain.
    POZZO : No doubt you are right. (
He sits down
.) Done it again! (
.) Thank you, dear fellow. (
He consults his watch
.) But I must really be getting along, if I am to observe my schedule.
    VLADIMIR : Time has stopped.
    POZZO : (
cuddling his watch to his ear
). Don’t you believe it, Sir, don’t you believe it. (
He puts his watch back in his pocket
.) Whatever you like, but not that.
    ESTRAGON : (
to Pozzo
). Everything seems black to him to-day.
    POZZO : Except the firmament. (
He laughs, pleased with this witticism
.) But I see what it is, you are not from these parts, you don’t know what our twilights can do. Shall I tell you? (
Silence. Estragon is fiddling with his boot again, Vladimir with his hat
.) I can’t refuse you. (
little attention, if you please. (
Vladimir and Estragon continue their fiddling, Lucky is half asleep. Pozzo cracks his whip feebly
.) What’s the matter with this whip? (
He gets up and cracks it more vigorously, finally with success. Lucky jumps.
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