Vulfen Alpha's Mate

Vulfen Alpha's Mate Read Online Free PDF

Book: Vulfen Alpha's Mate Read Online Free PDF
Author: Laina Kenney
Tags: Inc., Siren-BookStrand
just cannot be real,” she muttered. She laughed a bit hysterically when the wolf went down on his belly and began edging closer. His pink tongue came out and washed over her
    bare toes, causing her to shriek again and pull her feet up into the chair.
    “I do not believe you’re real,” she said warningly, but her voice wasn’t as strong as she wanted it to be.
    The wolf whined and sat up, cocking his head to one side and studying her. He was a big animal, but he didn’t seem inclined to attack her right away.
    The two sat for a moment, just looking at one another, and then Ellie carefully stretched out her arm, letting just the tips of her fingers stroke his massive head. His fur was thick and shiny, black as midnight just like Rylek’s hair. He butted her hand gently with his massive head, pushing against her touch. He seemed to be encouraging her to stroke him with a firm pressure.
    She looked into the wolf’s intelligent black eyes, and her heart missed a beat.
    “Rylek,” she said. Her voice shook. “I need you to not be a wolf
    right now. Please.”
    Her words sounded impossibly bizarre to her own ears, but for the second time the air began to faintly shimmer, and then Rylek the man sat before her on the carpet. Her fingers just barely touched the top of his dark head.
    “Oh!” The room revolved slowly. She slumped forward until her head touched her knees. She concentrated on just breathing.
    She definitely did not want to pass out with a werewolf in the room.



Chapter 6




    Ellie didn’t know how much time had passed when she finally was able to calm her breathing. It slowly entered her awareness that Rylek was stroking her hair gently and murmuring softly to her. She could barely understand half of what he said and gradually realized he was speaking in another language with only the occasional phrase in English.
    “Ellie, beautiful one, I am sorry,” he said finally, when her breathing took on a more normal rhythm. “Please know that I would not rush your understanding, but my seconds will have felt the pull of my change, and I feel sure they will arrive soon. They are very serious in their duties and will want to be certain there is no danger to us.”
    With one last pass of his hand over her hair, Rylek rose and moved to the door. He opened it, and Ellie was grateful for his warning, as it was clear that the two men skidding to a stop in the hallway were expecting to find a battle in progress. It took a moment for her to recognize Valeri, since the last time she had seen him, he hadn’t had fangs or claws.
    Valeri and the man beside him both seemed larger than they had been earlier in the evening, with eyes that glowed in the dim light of the hall.
    Ellie dropped her head back into her lap with a muffled groan. Rylek ushered the men into the room quickly and locked the door.
    “There is no danger here. I chose the path of honesty with my mate. I
    showed her my true nature and gave her a choice.”
    He indicated Ellie, and all three men looked at her. She kept her cheek pressed against her knees and concentrated on breathing.
    “The little human female looks to be in distress,” the third man said carefully. “You showed her the change. Is she able to speak yet?” “She has spoken, yes,” Rylek said, sounding almost proud. “She
    told me to stop being a wolf right now.” “Good advice, Alpha,” Valeri said dryly.
    Alpha, Ellie thought. Of course. It explained so much, his snarling reaction to Henry, the slices in her dress, and the two long scratches on her body.
    Suddenly, another thought struck her, and she lifted her head to glare at Valeri.
    “Are you a werewolf, too?” she demanded.
    Valeri bowed from the waist. “We are vulfen,” he stated with some superiority. “We do not use the term of werewolf, as that is a word invented by superstitious humans trying to explain something they do not understand. We are vulfen, blessed by
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