abandon her attack, and quickly you raise your weapon in readiness to receive it.
Turn to 300 .
With the help of your Kai skills and the failing light, you slip away from the
Desert Jewel
and return to the Tradewind Tavern. Here you are fortunate to discover the three marines who, despite their best efforts this day, have been unable to sell your horse and raise enough money to leave. They are surprised to see you come walking through the door, but very glad that you have returned. Oswin tells you that a curfew has been declared and that all foreigners have been forbidden to use the streets after dark. The tavern-keeper, who openly hates the Funtal, offers to hide you in the stables tonight in case the City Guard should pay another visit. Gratefully you accept his offer and spend the night hiding in his hay-loft.
Turn to 275 .
With a rousing cheer, the second wave of enemy raiders follow their leader and leap aboard
The Pride of Sommerlund
. The ship's crew and the marines have suffered many casualties and they are now too weak and exhausted to be able to repel this renewed assault. You know that you must act swiftly if you are to avert a disaster.
Steeling yourself for what must be done, you shoulder your Bow and unsheathe a weapon. Then you leap from the rigging as the enemy leader passes below the mainmast. You hit the armoured warrior feet-first and slam him to the deck, but he quickly recovers from your surprise attack and, in the ensuing struggle, he manages to kick the weapon from your hand.
‘Leave him to me!’ he screams, warning off his henchmen who are poised to rush forward and cut you down. Slowly he unsheathes his scimitar and, with a sneer fixed to his cruel lips, he raises the blade in readiness to strike a mighty blow to your head.
Illustration I —Slowly he unsheathes his scimitar and, with a sneer fixed to his cruel lips, he raises the blade.
You must fight the first round of this combat empty-handed. If you possess a close-combat weapon, you may use it from the beginning of the second round.
If you win this fight, turn to 340 .
You tour the market and one stall in particular holds your attention. It is run by a small and timid-looking man and he offers you herbs and potions which he has gathered from all over Magnamund. As you examine the hundreds of phials, philtres, and flasks that are laid out upon his stall, you notice there are many types of herbs that you have encountered before, and some you have not. Of all his selection, the following four interest you the most:
Potion of Laumspur: restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat.
Potion of Alether: increases COMBAT SKILL by 2 when swallowed before combat (one use only).
Potion of Mustow: creates a foul choking gas when released into the air.
Potion of Sebaris: purifies contaminated water (one use only).
Each of these potions costs 3 Gold Crowns.
If you wish to make a purchase, turn to 221 .
If you do not wish to buy anything from this stall, turn to 79 .
You slide across the decking and slam into the gunwale with a jolt that leaves you bruised but otherwise unharmed: lose 1 ENDURANCE point. Quickly you regain your balance and leap back onto your feet.
Turn to 139 .
You grab your Bow and take hasty aim at the snarling creature. You fire as she lopes towards you and she shrieks as the sharp tip of your shaft grazes her forehead. For a few moments she falters, but she does not abandon her attack. Quickly you drop your Bow and raise your weapon in readiness to defend yourself as she presses home her assault.
Turn to 300 .
When the dust settles you see that the Koneshi Pass is now blocked and completely impassable. You shout to the marines on the other side to let them know that you are safe, and you hear them calling back, but even with your acute Kai sense of hearing you are unable to make out clearly what they are shouting.
However, by drawing upon