Virgin Outcast: Bred to the Beast

Virgin Outcast: Bred to the Beast Read Online Free PDF

Book: Virgin Outcast: Bred to the Beast Read Online Free PDF
Author: Fannie Tucker
bearskin on the feather mattress.  S l eep took her as she worked over the puzzle of Rela and Luther.
    "Rise and come," a voice said, a command that Kara could not ignore.  Her eyes jerked open at the same time a peal of thunder split the night.  Rain roared on the cottage roof, and wind howled through the trees outside.
    Rise and come.   The words echoed in Kara's mind.  Rela's words.  The Wise Woman had called for her as promised.  She slid off the bed, but kept the bearskin wrapped around her shoulders.  The fire had dwindled to glowing embers, and a chill had settled on the cottage.
    As if in a trance, Kara went to the door and threw back the crossbar.  Driving rain pelted the ground in sheets , but she stepped out into the night without hesitation.
    The rain quickly soaked her hair and the bearskin that she wore like a shawl until both were plastered to her skin .  She let the bearskin fall behind her and walked across the clearing wearing only her shift, which quickly grew sodden and clung to her curves.  The wet grass softened her steps and tingled between her toes.  Rise and come.   Mykal waited ahead.
    She was almost to the trees when a bolt of lightning exploded overhead, bathing the entire clearing in stark white light.  Every tree and branch stood out clearly, and between the trunks, Kara saw something else, a darker shape against the gray bark.  It was shaped like a man, but its head lay low on its huge, rounded shoulders, and the legs seemed to bend in the wrong places.  A pair of sharp eyes leered at Kara, gleaming like burnished gold.
    Thunder boomed, a deafening explosion directly overhead, and it shattered Kara's trance like glass.  Had she really followed Rela's voice out into the storm?  Her fear crashed back down like the crossbar slamming into place, that terrified sprint through the night, the yellow-eyed beast close behind.   Yet somehow she'd let herself be drawn out into the night, far from safety.
    Trembling, she backpedaled toward the cottage, watching the spot where those eyes had been.  Another bolt of lightning seared the sky, bringing a moment of daylight to the clearing and the forest beyond.
    Where the beast had been, Kara saw nothing.  Where had it gone?
    She turned and ran.
    The cottage seemed impossibly far away.  The door stood open, a rectangle of faint orange light from the dying embers in the fireplace.  The rain and wind drove at her, seeming to push her back.  Why had she come out into this?  Her feet slipped on the wet grass, and she fell to her knees.
    Something dark moved in front of the doorway, blocking what little light remained.  Kara froze.
    " You were told to leave," a voice said.  The words were the deep rumble of a growling mastiff .   The creature's bulk was a darker shadow on the black night, but its eyes glowed yellow, as though they drank the light.
    Kara had seen those eyes before, in the instant before she slammed the cottage door last night.  But she'd seen them again in daylight, when they were softer and the brown of polished wood.  Luther's eyes.  You'll sire a pup someday, Rela had told him.  She understood now why Rela had sent her here.  She was to be this creature's broodmare.
    Another lightning flash showed her Luther's full form.  His head stood low on his thick, round shoulders, and his face had elongated into a muzzle full of sharp teeth.  Still, now that she knew, she could see Luther's features in that face, wilder and more savage, but the man was there.  C oarse hair covered most of his powerful torso , the same black she remembered in his beard.  He stood naked, with a long, thick cock hanging like a rope between l ong, well-muscled legs that were built to run, to kill.  The lightning faded, and the beast roared as thunder exploded almost overhead.  With him between her and the cottage, she had no chance.
    That thought brought calm, somehow.  Whatever happened here was beyond her control.  She could as
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