Larsson' wasn't willing to see her, not caring enough to grant her a brief audience! Maybe he was just 'busy' with some of his female guests, telling her that she was the first to enter his holy chambers as well! She didn't know why she was so consumed by jealousy when she didn't even know for sure if he was with another woman. Actually, she was very glad that she hadn't given him her virginity, after all. Surely being rejected like this would have hurt much more if she had been with him intimately.
Besides, she had no right to expect anything. She'd thrown herself at him promising a one night stand, positively begging for it. Now she had to suffer the consequences. She shouldn't be agonizing about Alrik anymore.
Probably it's for the best, she thought. All she had lost was her pride, and it would be easier to mend that than a broken heart.
"Caleb, it's me!"
Jade knocked on the door a few times, using a special rhythm pattern so he'd know it was her. She always did that when she visited her younger brother, knowing how much comfort he found in these little rituals. He was sixteen and had been living in a boarding school for special needs children for the last two years. Since her parents had divorced, they both had found new partners, so a teenage son with Asperger's had become an obstacle that stood in the way of their newfound love interests. Jade hated them for sending her brother away from the home he was used to living in, fully knowing the stress a whole new environment meant for him. Not to speak of living alone among strangers, without a family who loved and understood him best.
When she entered the room, Caleb was sitting at his desk, frantically typing rows of numbers into his laptop. He briefly turned his head and looked up into her face, giving her only the slightest hint of a smile before he returned his attention to his computer screen.
"Hi Jade," he said, not thinking about standing up to greet her. "You are twenty-two, now," he added, as a matter of fact. So he had thought about her birthday, even if he hadn't called her. Caleb had always loved numbers.
She went up to him and cautiously wrapped her arms around him, hugging him from behind. He went rigid at first but relaxed as she lay her cheek against his, looking at the endless algorithms he wrote.
"Thank you. Are you doing your math homework?" she asked softly.
He grunted disparagingly. Obviously he had finished all his homework hours ago.
"Of course not," he said, not stopping typing for a second. He had a clear, deep voice, pronouncing every word very precisely as he spoke. Some people, especially other teenagers who had their own way of expressing themselves, thought that this was weird.
"Why aren't you outside with your friends? The weather is lovely today," she said, gesturing to the window. "Look, the leaves are already turning red and golden," she added, knowing that her brother showed no interest at all in the beauties of nature. It was a shame, since his school was located in a vast strip of land covered with lush green forests. The drive from New York City was almost two hours each way, so she couldn't manage to visit him more than once or twice in a month - which was quite often, compared to her parents' sparse visits.
"I am developing a new search engine," Caleb explained calmly. "It will not only lead you to sites according to your personal interests, but also connect you with people who share them and live in your area, with direct links to their social sites. I also provide maximum security to prevent anyone from analyzing your surfing and purchase history, and sell information about your customer habits to the industry. You will be one hundred per cent anonymous, all of the time, without the need for additional programs to hide your IP."
She pressed a kiss to his cheek and was rewarded by one of his random smiles. Since their childhood, she had been the only one he allowed to do that. From both their parents, he didn't
Phoebe Rivers and Erin McGuire