Author: Kimberley Reeves
know,” Vina said, “but I’m having trouble picturing you in a feather mask and tights a s you lead your partner in the minuet.”
    “Is that a yes on the dance lessons?”
    “Only if you’re not afraid of getting your feet tromped on.”
    “Bravery is just another one of my admirable qualities,” Travis advised her .
    “Good.  Then you can brave the first lesson tonight.  How does seven o’clock at your place sound?”
    “It’s a date,” Travis replied, silently applauding his own brilliance.  “ Speaking of dates; there is one more thing I thought of .   Now, I don’t want you to take this wrong, but…” he let his voice trail off and waited for Vina to take the bait.
    “ Honestly, Travis, since when have you held back from telling me exactly what you think?”
    Since the summer you turned sixteen and I fell hopelessly in love with you.   His chest tightened, trapping the air in his lungs.  Thank God he phoned Vina instead of meeting her in person because he might have been stupid enough to pull her into his arms and blurt out the words .  Just s tick to the plan, Malone.
    “Okay, but remember I’m only saying this because I care about you.  I know how hard you’ve been working the past few years, which hasn’t left much time for dating.  I also know you tend to clam up when you’re nervous.  You have a wonderful sense of humor and a sharp mind, but you freeze when you’re on a date, and that’s why…” Travis stopped himself, but the damage had already been done. 
    “That’s why I never get asked out for a second date,” she finished for him.
    He hadn’t meant to hurt Vina, but the hollowness in her voice told him that he had.   “I’m sorry, sweetheart, that came out all wrong.  Being shy around men isn’t a fatal character flaw; you just need more practice, that’s all.   What I’m proposing is that along with the dance lessons, we can go out o n a few dates.  It might help you pinpoint where things…fall apart, and I could help you work through it.”
    “You’d really do that for me?”
    “Hey, that’s what friends are for,” Travis said, practically choking on the lump of guilt that was stuck in his throat.  He didn’t like deceiving her, but the end justified the means…didn’t it?
    Vina absently disconnected the call.  She wasn’t quite sure how to feel about the proposal Travis had just presented.  Who ever heard of going on practice dates?  Then again, she could use all the help she could get.  Her last several dates had been disasters and she hadn’t gotten up the nerve to accept another one since …well, she couldn’t remember when. 
    It really was sweet of Travis to volunteer his time to help her out, especially when she knew how difficult it was for him to get away from work.  What she wouldn’t give to find a man like Travis Malone to love her.   Well, not exactly like Travis.  The man had some serious commitment issues.  Vina knew for a fact that most of his relationships, if you could call them that, did the big crash and burn after a couple of weeks.
    Still, Travis was utterly gorgeous and had a heart of gold , at least where family and friends were concerned.  She doubted any of the women who had briefly shared his bed held such a high opinion of him.  It sounded cruel, but it was their own fault for thinking they could change Travis.  He was always upfront with the women he dated, and made it perfectly clear he wasn’t interested in a long term relationship. 
    It never ceased to amaze Vina when they continued to pursue him, long after he’d lost interest and moved on to someone else.  Some of them had even been jealous of her relationship with Travis, which was ridiculous because he’d never once tried to push the boundaries of the ir friendship.  Besides, based on his taste for tall, leggy blondes, Vina wasn’t his type.  
    Not that she wanted to be add ed to the length y list of girlfriends, Vina told herself. 
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