Village Secrets

Village Secrets Read Online Free PDF

Book: Village Secrets Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rebecca Shaw
used the last drop at breakfast-time and Muriel’s wanting her coffee.’
    ‘Indeed and why not. I’ll get it for you.’
    ‘No, no, don’t trouble yourself, I can get it. I’m going up tomorrow to see old Fitch about the cricket pitch. Care to come with me?’
    ‘Much as I would like to, I’m afraid business calls. I’m quite sure you can manage without me!’
    ‘Got to get it on a business footing, you see. No loose ends. Knowing his propensity for deviousness I want things quite clear-cut. Any more news about team members?’
    ‘Indeed. Ah, Ms Pascoe. May I introduce our new head teacher, Sir Ralph? Kate Pascoe, this is Sir Ralph Templeton. He and his wife Lady Muriel Templeton live in the village.’ Ralph extended a welcoming hand. Kate shook it with a half-smile on her face. He was certainly distinguished-looking – thin, tanned, with thick white hair, an aristocratic beaked nose, and the wearer of an extremely expensive overcoat.
    ‘How do you do, young lady. Very pleased to meet you. My wife’s already made your acquaintance; she said how charming you were and she was right. We needed new blood in the school. May I wish you every success?’
    ‘Thank you, Ralph.’ Kate didn’t notice Jimbo flinch when she omitted Ralph’s title. ‘That’s very kind of you. Did I hear you mentioning a cricket team?’
    ‘You did. We’ve spent last summer and this winter resurrecting the old cricket pitch. It’s a vast improvement on what it was but still not as good as Lord’s – not yet.’
    ‘I played cricket with my brothers when I was at home. Fabulous game.’ Ralph raised an eyebrow at the use of the word ‘fabulous’. ‘I wouldn’t expect to play in the team, but I’m a good hand at cricket teas. Would I be of any use? Or maybe you’ve got all that side of it organised already.’
    Jimbo declared they hadn’t and he’d be glad of help. ‘I’m having nothing to do with the catering side. It’s all voluntary, you see, so I’m sure Muriel and Caroline – you’ve met Caroline –’ Kate nodded ‘– would be delighted by your offer.’
    ‘I’m certain they would. Thank you very much.’ Ralph smiled at her and went to collect the fresh milk.
    ‘I’ve found some soya milk, Jimbo. I’m a vegan – I don’t suppose you have many of those in the village.’
    ‘Ah! First time I’ve met one in the flesh, so to speak. Is there anything at all which you specially favour? If so, I’ll make sure we get it in. Can’t have you starving to death!’ Jimbo couldn’t help remembering all the food he’d sent her. Privately he wondered where it had all gone.
    Kate heaved her overflowing basket onto the shelf by the till. ‘Today I’m OK. Thanks though, I’ll let you know. Don’t forget about the cricket teas, will you? I really mean what I say.’
    ‘Certainly shan’t. I shall pass on your offer to the appropriate quarter. There’s your change – thank you very much.’
    ‘What superb carrier bags! Much too nice for recycling as pedal-bin bags!’ Kate grinned at him and went out.
    ‘Well, Ralph, there’s one thing for certain – I shan’t be able to retire on what Kate spends in here. A vegan – God help us! Hope she doesn’t start a new trend!’
    ‘About the team …’
    ‘Oh yes. I’ve got a list. Here it is.’ He removed a piece of paper from a clipboard, and handed it to Ralph who put on his reading glasses and stood to one side while Jimbo continued dealing with customers.
    Ralph read the list out in an undertone. ‘Dicky Tutt … he should be good behind a bat but can he run, that’s the question. Jimbo … Gilbert – oh that’s a surprise. Surely Little Derehams will have something to say about us poaching one of their star players?’
    ‘Well, it’s Gilbert’s decision. He asked me, not the other way round. Apparently he’s sick of having to kowtow to their Captain who’s high-handed and not the slightest bit democratic, and Gilbert says he’s not a child and
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