Vampire Assassin League Bundle 4 - Eternity
here she’d thought it was the drugs.
    Wait. Sydney. You’re not cheap. Or easy. And this guy was way out of her league. If she even claimed one. But... wow. His stance, with hands on hips, just gapped his jacket open, highlighting spectacular abs and mid-section, while framing slim hips and really nice, lengthy legs. Those trousers of his might as well be spandex for the way they clung to what looked like amazing thighs. Double trouble wow.
    Her legs weren’t just experiencing rivulets of shivers, they were trembling, too. Good thing she wore loose-fit denims, the jacket Stan had already noticed... a button-up blouse in graduated peach shades. And beneath that was a thong with matching push-up demi-bra; ordered from that erotica catalogue that was guaranteed to give her kissable cleavage. And this Devereaux looked like the perfect guy to test that on.
    Hmm .
    Oh... buggers. What was she doing? Thoughts like this might fit the embrace the madness section of her options, but that didn’t stop them from being way out of line. Way, way, way out. She licked her lips, and got down to business.
    “So. Hey. This is your place then?”
    He nodded.
    “What’s the square footage?”
    His lips twisted. Her innards mirrored it.
    “Am I here for a tour or what?”
    His eyebrows lifted at that one, highlighting little lines on his forehead. And her heart swooped this time. Fully. Taking a dive to her belly where it seemed to radiate pulse beats from there. Or something of that nature.
    “I believe I’ll go with the ‘what’ portion of your query,” he finally answered.
    “Well... while you do that, I’ll just take a look around. Fair?”
    Sydney turned her back on him. That was probably stupid, but looking at him was overwhelming just about every sense she had. And some she hadn’t known she possessed. There was a large doorway on her right. She went through it. She found herself in another large bit of space. The room had another high ceiling, a marble fireplace along the inner wall that looked like it rose from the floor, the entire thing overseeing about eight hundred feet of space. Maybe. It looked about twenty feet wide by at least forty in length, but the far end was in complete shadow. The room contained long windows along the outer walls, topped with plaster designed cornice pieces. Each window had a valance across it and drapes at the sides that were so long, they made puddles of material on the floor. They did nothing to cover over clear, perfectly polished glass that showed a view of closed painted shutters, in what looked like a forest green shade. The window decor was a French design... from last century sometime. Her grandmother had redone her entire house in it. It was wasteful and stupid back then. It looked elegant and absolutely perfect here. The dark burgundy material sat atop more marble floor, and served as a divider for the pieces of perfectly crafted and old-fashioned furniture. Sydney moved her eyes. Wow. He even had a grand piano in here, atop a pedestal, so highly polished, it shone,
    And Devereaux was seated at it.
    Sydney gasped and stepped back a fraction.
    Buggers. She’d forgotten how fast he moved.
    “Hi there,” he said.
    Sydney cleared her throat. It sounded raw and unladylike, but she had to find her voice somehow. “This room is perfect for gatherings of the undead. Or... perhaps for sending one to stay and wait until they’re granted an audience. Truly. I can just see it.”
    “Can you now?”
    “Is this a parlor, then?”
    “More or less.”
    He ran a finger along the keys, putting an eerie flourish of sound into the room. That lifted more than goose bumps. It chilled. Sydney clasped her hands together in what she hoped didn’t look like a defensive move and turned around.
    “All right, then. I’ll just do a bit of touring myself. I’m going to guess you have a study or something on the other side of the entrance hall here?”
    She was walking as she spoke and was completely
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