Vacation Therapy

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Book: Vacation Therapy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lance Zarimba
sprawled out across the sand. I reached down and felt...” I said, pointing to the body. “That's when I heard Sergio calling me. Just as he arrived, the moon came out from behind the cloud, and you can see what we found."
    "Did you know the man?” Mike asked.
    Sergio blurted out, “No!"
    Both Mike and Geoff looked at me.
    "No,” I shook my head. “He wanted to room with us earlier.” As I heard the words come out of my mouth, I realized how stupid that sounded. “I mean, no, I've never met him before."
    "But you just said that he wanted to room with you,” Mike pressed.
    "Well, it wasn't just me,” I motioned toward Sergio.
    "Don't get me involved in this little charade,” Sergio retorted. “I had nothing to do with this. He was grabbing your ass, not mine."
    Geoff clipped the mouthpiece back onto its holster and said, “So mon, is this the body from your room?"
    "Yes,” I said.
    "No,” Sergio said, at the same time.
    "Which is it?” Mike demanded.
    "We don't know,” I said.
    Sergio agreed.
    "But I think it's the body from our room,” I added.
    "But I don't,” Sergio said.
    I glared at him.
    "Well, I don't. It could be another body that just happened to...” he stopped. “I don't spy on men in the shower...” He waved his hand at Mike. “Never mind."
    Two resort workers approached carrying a stretcher with a pile of blankets.
    I took a step back.
    Geoff held up his hand. “I'm security, don't nobody move till we search the place.” He pulled a pair of rubber gloves out of his back pocket and prepared to examine the body.
    I looked down at the sand. My sprawl mark and footprints were everywhere. So much for not disturbing the scene of the crime or destroying evidence. Could I have set myself up any better as a suspect?
    The body's feet were bare, and no other footprints were visible around him, except mine. The surf must have washed everything else away. Everything, except for my floundering.
    Geoff shined his light across the body and stopped on its jeans’ back pocket. The beam played across a thick rectangular bulge. A wallet. He handed me the flashlight and bent to retrieve the wallet. His gloved fingers quickly removed it, opened it, and pulled out a driver's license. “Shine the light here."
    I shined the light into his eyes.
    "The card,” he said, and waved it at me.
    "Sorry.” I aimed the beam so he could read it.
    "Duane Wayne,” he said.
    I started to snicker. The flashlight's beam jiggled. His Jamaican accent made him sound like Elmer Fudd. I looked at his expression and bit the inside of my cheek. This wasn't the time or place for my sick sense of humor to escape.
    Sergio's eyes flashed me a warning.
    I pursed my lips tighter, and shrugged my shoulders while I tried not to laugh, hoping my hysteria wouldn't show.
    Geoff searched the rest of the wallet. He pulled out a few wet bills and a condom.
    "Doesn't that boy know anything?” Sergio said. “Latex'll break down in his pock..."
    We all stared at him.
    "Well, it will. Body heat and all."
    "I don't think he has to worry about that right now,” I said, tightly.
    "As if. That guy never stood a chance. That look is so 80's. It's so over. It's so dead.” Sergio grimaced as soon as he said it.
    "You're not helping,” I said.
    "That man wasn't robbed. There's a lot a money here."
    "Did he drown?” Mike asked.
    "I don't know, mon. I gotta turn ‘im over."
    "Shouldn't we wait for the police?” I asked.
    "I am he."
    Great, the cavalry had arrived. But why didn't I feel any better? “Don't you have to take photos of the crime scene first?"
    "With all your footprints?” Geoff pointed around the body.
    I felt my face burn again.
    Geoff searched around the body one more time. After finding nothing, he carefully reached over and pulled on the man's shoulders. He log-rolled the body over onto his back. Rigor was starting to set in. “Shine the light on ‘im."
    The security guard and I shone the lights on his face.
    Duane's eyes were
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