1. Are you afraid of birds?
A) Certainly not! Is anyone? I don’t believe it.
B) Maybe a little bit, but my chickens would never know it.
C) Yes, but only mean geese (and large raptors after I watch Hitchcock movies late at night).
D) Yes, I run and hide whenever a robin flies over my yard.
2. Are you afraid of bugs?
A) No, I eat them when someone dares me.
B) No, but they’re gross and I would never touch one.
C) Yes, but only the bugs that bite or sting me.
D) Yes, I have a huge can of bug-killer spray and replace it often.
3. If you had the flu, what would you do?
A) Go check on the chickens in the morning and evening, and clean out the coop while I’m at it, and only then collapse back into bed.
B) Ask a family member or friend to tend to the chickens’ basic daily needs.
C) Oversleep, then remember the chickens and rush outside to check on them.
D) Forget I have chickens; I’m too busy vomiting.
4. If you were going on vacation, what would you do?
A) I would never go on vacation again if I had chickens.
B) Ask a neighbor or friend to stop by to let the chickens in and out of the henhouse and check on their food and water.
C) Install an automatic door and put two weeks’ worth of food and water in the coop.
D) Just go on vacation; chickens can take care of themselves; they should be fine for two weeks.
5. When was the last time you took care of an animal?
A) I have always cared for at least 200 chickens, and have never forgotten anything for any of them; they are immortal due to my perfect care.
B) I had a cat that needed food and water every day, and I took care of it until it died of old age.
C) I had a dog that needed food, water, and a walk every day; my mom did all that.
D) I had a goldfish. I forgot about it five minutes after we got home. That was five years ago. (I wonder if it’s still there.)
E) I never had a pet before. We lived in an apartment.
6. Why do you want chickens?
A) They’re so cute and fluffy and soft and cuddly.
B) For the eggs.
C) My family is allergic to dogs and cats and goldfish.
D) So I can chop their heads off with an ax and watch them run around the barnyard as they die; that sounds like the most fun I’ve had in a long time.
7. How often do you eat eggs?
A) At every meal. I crack them and slurp them down raw out of the shell.
B) Pretty often; my family bakes and likes eggs for breakfast on the weekend.
C) Sometimes, and I have friends and family to share them with.
D) Is that what they’re for? Are you sure they’re not poisonous?
8. If you accidentally stepped in a pile of chicken droppings while collecting eggs one morning, what would you do?
A) Take off my shoe and carefully carry it over to tip into the compost bin, not wasting a bit of the precious excrement fertilizer.
B) Wipe it off on some nearby grass or hay and go about my business.
C) Have to go inside and wash my shoe before doing anything else.
D) Eeeeww! That would be so disgusting, I could never, ever wear that shoe again in my entire life.
9. Which answer best describes your background with chickens?
A) I am a twelfth-generation chicken farmer and lay eggs myself every morning; you could say I’m one with my chickens.
B) I have met a few chickens, and I think they’re the neatest birds ever (except maybe penguins, or owls).
C) I read an article about them once and thought they might be fun.
D) I have eaten chicken nuggets once in a while.
10. Why are you taking this class?
A) I know everything already and would like to tell you all the things you’re teaching wrong.
B) I am learning all I can about chickens from books, farmers, and classes like yours.
C) I was bored, and it was cheap.
D) My parent/teacher/employer is forcing me to take this class.
Questions 1–9:
Question 10:
Give yourself:
Give yourself:
1 point for each A
10 points for A
3 points for each B
30 points for B
2 points for each
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