Until the Harvest

Until the Harvest Read Online Free PDF

Book: Until the Harvest Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sarah Loudin Thomas
Tags: Domestic Fiction, FIC042000, FIC042040, FIC026000
turned to Margaret. “Will you help me make a casserole this afternoon? It’s my week to take something to Angie Talbot.”
    Margaret agreed and added some more soup to Henry’s bowl without asking. He started to get annoyed but decided to eat the soup instead.
    “Angie Talbot. Didn’t her twin sister die a while back?” Margaret asked.
    “Yes, poor thing. She’s always kept her feelings to herself, but I know it was hard on her. Of course, Frank Post is over there most every day, but he’s old as the hills himself.”
    Henry considered how ancient you had to be for his grandmother to think you were old as the hills. “How old is he?”
    “Oh, both of them must be near about ninety. I think they were sweethearts once a long time ago. Or maybe it was Liza he was sweet on.” Emily sopped up the last bit of her soup with a piece of bread. “I doubt anyone remembers. At any rate, the members of Laurel Mountain Church take turns looking after Angie. One of those visiting nurses comes in just about every day, but we like to see to our own.” She cocked her head and looked at Henry as if she was trying to decide something.
    “If you’re up to it, you could spend some time walking the old fence line this afternoon to see what needs fixing. I’ve been thinking about getting a cow.”
    Margaret made a sound like she was going to speak, but Emily kept talking.
    “Before I make up my mind, I need to know if that fence will hold an ornery old milk cow. You think you can manage something like that?”
    Henry had thought he might go home and sleep the afternoon away after his rough night, but suddenly, walking the fields in the thin January sunshine seemed like a much better idea.
    “I reckon I could.”
    “Good. About the time you finish, we should be ready to go over to the Talbot place. You can drive us.”
    Margaret acted like she was going to say something again, but Emily shot her a look. “Let’s gather these dishes and get started on that casserole. Henry, take some cookies with you.”
    Mayfair scurried to wrap cookies in a napkin for Henry.She ducked her head as she handed them over. “Can I come with you?”
    “What?” Henry wasn’t sure he’d heard the girl.
    “I want to come, too,” Mayfair said, peeking out from beneath long lashes. “Like Laura helping her Pa on the prairie.”
    “Mayfair, you stay here and help Miss Emily and me.” Margaret sounded annoyed.
    “Oh, let the child go.” Emily made shooing motions toward her grandson and Mayfair. “She could do with the fresh air.”
    Margaret made a sour face but didn’t stop Mayfair as she ran to put on her boots and jacket. Henry didn’t especially want her along but decided it would be worth it just to annoy Margaret. He made sure the girl had mittens and a woolen hat, and they headed out into the bracing air.

    “Honestly, Emily, I’m not sure Mayfair needs to be spending time with Henry. I know he’s your grandson, but he doesn’t impress me as super stable right now.”
    Emily’s eyes flickered. “What do you mean?”
    “Well,” Margaret went to the refrigerator to pull out chicken and vegetables for the casserole. “He was rude at the house after the funeral.”
    “I thought he found a spot for Mayfair.”
    “Only after he nearly bit our heads off.”
    “I suppose you might excuse a young man for being testy on the day he buried his father.” Emily pulled a two-quart casserole dish out of a cabinet and handed it to Margaret. “What else?”
    “He’s throwing away his education, and I hear he’s been spending time with the wrong crowd.” Margaret felt a tingle of triumph, shadowed by shame. She shook it off.
    “He still has time to finish school. Could be he just needs to settle himself and get used to his father’s being gone. Goodnessknows, it’s going to take me a while. As for the wrong crowd, I’ll have to agree with you there, but I think it’s important we not judge someone by the company they keep.” Her
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