
Unraveled Read Online Free PDF

Book: Unraveled Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heidi McCahan
than twenty years. An estranged relative couldn’t just waltz in and take over.
    Mom smiled wanly. “I meant financial help, sweetie. Long term care for dementia patients is expensive.”
    “Mom, you can’t be serious.” A high-pitched screech interrupted their conversation. Mom stood quickly. She ran toward the sound.
“Sounds like the twins are having a disagreement. I better go check. Thank you for coming home. We really need you.” She blew Lauren a kiss as she descended the stairs.
    Lauren fell back against the cushions on the window seat and closed her eyes, rubbing her palm across her forehead. This was more drama than she could handle, especially on the heels of an already exhausting twenty-four hours. What was that verse? The sins of the fathers will visit the sons. Or something like that. Apparently she wasn’t the only one in this family trying to make amends for her past.


    Blake propped his arms on the counter and scanned the spreadsheet, probing for gaps in their budget. Inquiries for rafting and kayaking excursions flooded their inbox. The new website received dozens of daily hits, and the first three weeks of the season were booked solid. His heart swelled with gratitude. Thank you, Lord. They’d anticipated some success, given the surge in cruise ship traffic. But this—he shook his head, double-checking the numbers again—went way beyond even their most optimistic projections.
    His brother Jeremy spun around in the desk chair and crumpled a piece of paper. “We could just chuck the whole thing and buy a time share in Maui.”
    “Uh-huh.” Okay, insurance was on track but payroll—a wad of crumpled paper popped him in the temple, and he flinched. “Hey.”
    “Seriously, dude. What’s with you today? You haven’t heard a word I’ve said.”
    Blake sighed and tried once again to discard the memory of those long auburn curls and a yellow sundress. “Sure, I heard you. You booked six reservations this morning.”
    “I said that, like, ten minutes ago. Dang, what happened at the airport?”
    “Nothing.” The incredibly hot Lauren Carter wearing some dude’s ring, that’s what.
    He’d blinked twice at baggage claim to realize she wasn’t a dream. He grabbed her elbow and she stared up at him with those bottomless green eyes. It was her, alright. Suddenly he was twenty years old again, heart-broken as he watched her Honda Prelude disappear around the bend.
    The hurt awakened, like a bear from hibernation. He’d spent almost a decade trying to get over her. He was beginning to wonder if he might need a decade more.
    A bell chimed and Tisha, their first official employee, wedged the front door open with her hiking boot then scooted in carrying a loaded cardboard coffee carrier.
    “Compliments of your baby sister next door,” she smiled, sliding the trio of grande mochas onto the counter. Megan had scored a summer job as a barista in the new coffee shop. Although she begged her brothers for a chance to paddle a kayak, their parents feared for her safety and insisted she was too young.
    Jeremy took a long sip then set his cup on the desk. “Man, she makes a good mocha.”
    Blake wrapped his fingers around the warm paper cup and tipped it to his lips. Extra strong java with a jolt of chocolate, just the way he liked it. “Not bad for a girl who’d rather be paddling,” he agreed.
    “Speaking of paddling, when’s my next run, boss?” Tisha leaned over Blake’s shoulder and the ends of her long ponytail tickled his forearm.
    Blake stiffened and clenched his jaw as she tapped her fingernails on the desk, rat a tat rat a tat. Her breath was hot on his cheek. He tried not to squirm. Ever heard of personal space?
    “Looks like one short run at 4:30, family of five wants to kayak around the bay for an hour,” Blake kept his eyes on the screen, staring at the reservation and praying Tisha made a quick exit.
    “Great! I’m all over it. Catch you later.” She grabbed her coffee and
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